Modeling Crisis: Chapter 3

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Alexis and I talked for what seemed like hours until her husband,Charlie, came in and said,

“Hey, it was awesome seeing you here but I think you might want to leave. I don’t mean to be rude but I don’t want that kind of craziness  around my children if the Paps found you’re here.”

“Oh yeah, definitely, I was just heading out. I have a plane to catch anyway. Lexi, can I come by Saturday?”

I asked turning to Alexis who nodded her head, smiled and said,

“Of course, we’re making homemade pizza and I’m pretty sure the girls will love seeing you.”

Charlie was standing by the windows looking through the blinds when he said,

“See you then Nikki, and I think they might’ve found out you’re here.”

 I smiled gratefully and rose from their couch and looked outside through the blinds and sure enough there were a couple of black vans circling around the block. Good thing I parked in front of Alexi’s car so they wouldn’t see mine.  I turn to Alexis who I towered over at least a good five inches and ask,

“Hey I really hope you don’t mind, but can we switch cars? I’m driving the BMW so it’s kid-friendly. I’ll bring back your minivan when I come over Friday.”

Alexis nodded her head and said,

“Well it was only a matter of time before you asked me to borrow my car. Yeah, you can use it; the keys are on the hooks in the kitchen.”

Alexis laughed and her husband smiled at her. They were so just adorable! He was tall and Italian looking where she had chocolate colored skin with long brown curly hair. I wish their kids were awake, they beautiful mixed babies. I sighed, I was only 26, I could’ve had a family and everything by now, but nope. I stuck with my modeling careers which trust me I don’t regret one bit because I love to model. But there was always that tiny voice in my head thinking about what would’ve happened if I didn’t become a Victoria’s Secret model. I shrug my shoulders to my thoughts and make my way to their kitchen.

Their kitchen is fairly large for being a four person family. The table was littered with multi-colored toys and such. I looked around the walls for the hooks. I spotted them and grabbed the large chunky key chain and plucked it off the hook. I looked out the backyard, there was a set of glass sliding doors that led to their pool in the back and there was a fence and also the extension of the driveway that made its way all the way to the other side of the street where I spotted zero black vans. I smiled and put my car keys the hook previously occupied.

I yelled back, well as loud as I could without trying to wake up the twins,

“My keys are on the hook, take care of my car Lexi! See you Friday around 5:30! Love you take care, I’m heading out!”

Alexis called back,

“Bye Nikki! Drive safe see you Friday!”

I slip through the sliding glass doors. I step into the warm LA atmosphere. God, I loved Cali, this is was definitely my home. I walked over to Alexis’ black minivan, put the key into the side door and unlocked the door. I glance back to her house and slid into the driver’s seat.  I put the car into drive and make my way over to a photo shoot spread that’s over in Canada. I looked at the clock on the dash and it read 4:55. I would have to hurry if I wanted to board my plane on time. I really didn’t have much of a personal life because I was always jumping onto planes, flying to foreign countries and then flying back to LA and then visiting family if I even had time which I usually didn’t and then if I was lucky I was asleep for a couple of hours before starting the cycle over again. I was just in England for some movie premier, the movie was great, and it was about some chick that grew up in a foster home but grew up to be some singer pop star. Really inspirational. I had just flown back in last night and then the whole news about Jake from my manager came up. What a life I had.

I had made it to airport with no paparazzi following my trail. Thank you Alexis. I hoped out the car and held out the door for valet to take it somewhere. I looked around and was glad no one recognized me yet. I’m glad that I have such amazing fans but being mobbed isn’t much my style. I never really understood why all these celebrities are upset that they have zero privacy. Well maybe they shouldn’t have become a singer or actor as a career choice, you know what I mean? Their complaints are ridiculous. I make my way to TSA and have them push me to front of the line to actually catch my flight, I needed to hurry. Times like these are when I thank the Lord I’ve made a name for myself or else I’d be here standing in line for hours and my plane will have been long gone.

A few girls come up to me when I’m waiting for my plane to start boarding. I signed a few autographs and took a few pictures, which was to be expected.

“Flight 21 to Montreal, Canada is now boarding.”

The lady over the PA said in an overly cheery voice. I stand up to go stand in the line, I place my sunglasses over my face. I hand over my ticket to the lady who scanned it and told me I could go onto the plane. I smiled and nodded before walking into the super long grey hallway-thing that lead to the plane.

                I walked over to my first class seat. I sat down on the somewhat stiff airplane seat. I’m greeted by some flight attendants telling people where to put their luggage or helping seat situations. Good thing I shipped my luggage to Canada ahead of time so I would have to deal with this kind of stuff. The plane begins to move after the flight attendants tell everyone about emergency exits, when they’re allowed to unbuckle and what would happen if we had an emergency landing or whatever. We would die anyway, it’s not like we would land over water, it’s a flight to Canada from LA, the only water we might land on would be the great lakes, but even that would be sketchy. But I believed we would have a perfectly fine flight. The pilot came over the PA and said that we might experience a bit of turbulence but we should fine for the duration of the flight.

The plane then took off and I leaned back into my chair, I was glad no one was sitting beside me. Less small talk or awkward silence to deal with. I fell asleep instantly.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*Author's Note*

Any thoughts? I realize that today isn't a Friday but i felt like uploading. What do think about Nikki and Alexis and Charlie? Do you think something's going to happen in Canada?

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