Modeling Crisis: Chapter 11

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Today was the day of the 17 magazine shoot. I was forced to arrive with Jake. Nothing pleasant. He continued to bug me about how I should act more like I was in love and how he should've taken me to get acting classes because he was such a professional and I looked bad next him. Half of the time I wasn't paying attention and fooling around on my phone not listening to the goofball rambling next to me.

"Alright so you got all of that Nikki?"

Jake asks. I place my phone down in my lap and question,

"Got all of what?"

Jake groans and says,

"Why couldn't I have at least a smart fake girlfriend. Nikki, I was saying that when we get out, your arm will be around my waist and mine around your shoulder. You need to take off that ring because they'll think we're engaged and for God sakes look happy!"

I rolled my eyes and said back defensively,

"Thanks for making me feel special boyfriend. Glad to know you what you think of me."

I cross my arms and look in the opposite direction of the dumbass. He even had the nerve to say,

"Look I don't want to be in this relationship any more than you do. How the heck am I supposed to get other chicks when I'm supposedly dating you?!"

I say sarcastically,

"Thanks for the information that I'm ruining your playboy ways."

The car stops in front of the location, it looked like gym. Jake paused and looked me in the eyes and said,

"I'm sorry Nikki. It's just that I'm under a lot of stress."

I roll my eyes and spat,

"I'm under a lot of stress, that's bull. Tell it to someone who cares. And when we're out there, don't you dare kiss me or I swear I will yell out I hate you and kick you."

Jake sighs and hands me a pair of sunglasses. I snatch them out of his hands and slip them on. The car gets surrounded by paparazzi the minute I open the door. Multiple bodyguards helped us out of the car. I slipped off my ring and threw it back into the car, when I remember what Jake said; I didn't need anybody thinking we were engaged. Dating was bad enough. Jake looked into the sea of paparazzi and smiled and then looked back up to me and draped an arm over of shoulders. I moved closer to his side and smiled and looked up and wrapped an arm around his waist. Take that, who says I can't act? We were ushered towards the back of the building and those paparazzi followed like lost puppies.

"Nikki are you upset you have to share your 17 exclusive with Jacob Mason?"

"Jake this way!"

"Jake who did you cheat on during your relationship with Nikki?"

"Jacob! You were spotted with Skylar just last month! Care to share?"

"Nikki! This way!"

"Jacob tell us about your upcoming movie!"

"Nikki has he cheated already? He was spotted with Skylar Gomes!"

We walked through the door and were instantly separated by hair stylist and makeup. Thank you I mentally said to the lady who pulled me away to a room. The lady spoke with a slight Spanish accent when she said,

"Alright, take off your clothes we have stuff for you to try on. We already have your measurements, once you're finished. Yell and we'll take you to hair and makeup. The outfits are numbered 1-10. Change into outfit 10; we'll go down from there."

"Alright Nikki move your leg to the top step. Yep just like that. Now Jacob, move your hand further down, yes. Perfect. Now smile, giggle anything to make it seem like you're happy."

Now this chick had us in some painful position that I had to hold. I was not going to look like I was happy it was freaking painful. I was wearing these killer high heeled shoes that looked gorgeous but in truth hurt like hell. My dress was really pretty too but since it was just a prototype is was slightly itchy. Jake looked handsome in a simple suit, what I would do to be in his place right now. I mean how simple would being a guy be? Wear whatever and still be considered stylish. A girl had to go through makeup, painful shoes and outfit denial. (When a girl can't figure out what to wear so she keeps getting dressed and undressed)

I muttered under my breath,

"This eff-ing hurts lady! Could you hurry up!?"

The photographer went about her business without hearing a single word I said. Jake snickered behind me and said,

"Easy for you to say, these shoes are pinching my feet."

I giggled and let a small smile creep up onto my face form the news that Jake's in pain right now.

"Great! Jake keep saying whatever you're saying to make Nikki smile some more."

She went about flashing more pictures and called a ten minute break.

I walk over to the food stand and picked a plate full of fruit. Jake comes next to me and says,

"Hey, do you know if we can take off these clothes soon break?"

I look at him like he's lost his mind,

"Why would we be able to do that?"

"I don't know maybe because these clothes are made of cheap quality. These shoes hurt and my shirt is itchy."

"You sound like a girl and I agree. This dress is itchy and these shoes are killing my feet."

I slip off the heels when I sit down at a bench and continue to eat my fruit. Jake joins me with his own plate full of fattening food. I say with a disgusted face,

"Do you know how fat you could get by just eating that plate? That looks like a good three pounds."

"Oh my gosh! Are you like serious?"

Jake playfully asks in a falsetto girl voice. He rolls his eyes and then says,

"Really Nikki? I'm a guy, I don't care about the pounds and besides I work out daily, this is nothing."

Jake patted his stomach.  I ignore him and finish my fruit and throw away my plate, I go back down to sit by Jake again. Jake says,

"Hold on, I'll be right back, I gotta go throw my stuff away."


I nod my head and take one foot in my hand and message the oncoming blisters from those blasted heels. Jake comes back a few minutes later and drapes an arm around my shoulder and whispers in my ear,

"People are looking and I've overheard someone say they think they've heard us arguing. We have to a be a little more careful when we openly show our hatred toward each other."

I turn to him and say,

"So what are you thinking?"

Jake's eyes light up with excitement and says,

"Don't hit me alright?"

He leans in and kisses my passionately. My body heats up and I grab both sides of his face. Jake hand tangles in the back of my hair while his other hand holds me in place by grabbing my waist. Sparks are definitely flying now.  I pull away and look at Jake with disbelief. I could not be falling for this guy again. Jake looks back into my eyes and pecks my lips one last time and pulls away and rests his forehead on mine.

The photographer yells,

"Breaks over! Everybody back to their places!"


*Author's Note*

Sorry for Grammar and Spelling, bear with me. So this was the 17 mag shoot :). If you haven't already comment and voted please do! And another thing guys, my new story   "Summer Romance" has been uploaded <3 Picture of Nikki in her dress though it's not an outside shot ...

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