Modeling Crisis: Chapter 9

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"So how's the modeling working out for you, Nikki?"

Robin Roberts from Good Morning America asks me. I smile and say,

"Everything's going great. I've recently been picked as the million dollar lingerie model again."

Applause erupted and once it died out Robin asked,

"And that's not the only good thing that's happened in your life. How about that hunk, boyfriend of yours, Jacob Mason. Are those rumors true?"

Robin pulled out the magazine Alexis showed me a week ago in her house. I smiled and blushed; did everyone have to bring up the airport thing?


I fumbled with the words.

"Well since supermodel over here doesn't want to answer how about we bring actor and presumed boyfriend of Nikki Carson, Jacob Mason out here."

More applause came from the audience; I glanced around to see people in tears at the chance to see Jake in person. The fans outside the window were even more ridiculous, having giant posters and screaming nonstop. I smile and look at Robin and she stands and shakes Jake's hand. Jake smiles and says,

"Thanks Robin."

Jake sits down next to me and put an arm around my shoulder. He winked at me when I looked into his chocolate brown eyes. I probably blushed some more. Thankfully Robin interrupted this little moment by asking,

"So Jake is it true? Are you dating this gorgeous model, Nikki Carson?"

Jake laughs and rubs his chin and says,

"Yes, we're dating. It'll be a two weeks tomorrow."

"You heard it here Good Morning America. Jacob and Nikki are officially dating."

Robin addressed her audience. More applause and "Aws" erupted.  Jake took this as an invitation to kiss me again, in front of the entire Good Morning America audience. My body began to feel instant warmth as the second kiss lasted longer than the first one. Jake pulled away and kissed my forehead. I felt dazed. I bet I could literally hear Alexis jumping up and down on her couch.  I looked off the stage and see my manager, Lauren give my two thumbs up and smile.

Robin took the attention away from me and asked Jake,

"So Jacob, how's the new movie going? I heard you started filming last month?"

Jake nodded and said,

"Yeah, we started last month and I can't give away any major details but the cast is absolutely phenomenal."

Robin Roberts smiled like she was five years old waking up on Christmas morning and asked,

"So Jacob we got an exclusive on the pictures you and your girlfriend took in Canada. Some people say you were there to apologize about cheating? Are those rumors true?"

Jake turned defensive,

"I would never cheat on Nikki. She's an amazing girl and who honestly doesn't deserve me. I went there to see my girlfriend and about the cheating rumors. They're just that, rumors. Besides we only started dating the day before the Canadian shoot."

Robin turned back to her audience and said,

"Well isn't Jacob just the gentlemen."

Yeah, he's so gentlemanly, I think sarcastically. The reason Jake and I broke up was because he was cheating. I wouldn't be surprised if he cheated again, though I'm sure both of our managers would have us make up and whatnot just to help him sell movie tickets and me stay top angel.

Robin faced me and said,

"So Nikki, what made you take him back?"

Jake pinched the back of my shoulder blade. Like I needed the reminder that we're fake-dating. I smiled and grabbed Jakes hand. I gradually squeezed his hand tightly when I said,

"Well as you know, we previously dated and he actually did cheat. That's the reason we broke up in the first place."

                Robin's face grew wide in shock. I continued,

"But he called me one day saying he's sorry. And I refused, you know? Because why would you want to date the scumbag who broke your heart countless times and then stomped on it on the way out. I definitely didn't think I was going to be one of those girls who took back their cheating ex's. But everyday Jake, here, sent me countless messages and flowers which were completely gorgeous. Then one day he showed up on my doorstep and apologized and apologized. I was cautious at first but realized how much I still loved him and I let him back in."

                I let go of his hand. It was red and if you looked closely you could see nail marks. Take that you cheating, loser. I would never love him again, especially not with what he did. I found him in my apartment with a beginner actor, Skylar Gomes. And that site was not pretty at all. I kicked him out and was glad to never see his ugly ass ever again. Of course Robin took this as oh-so-romantic. Robin said,

"That's really sweet. We're time is up and it was great getting to interview you two lovebirds. I hope your relationship survives the second time around."

Oh trust me Robin it won't.  The lights started to dim and I walked over to my manager. Jake pulled my arm before I could reach Lauren. His voice dangerously low when he said,

                "Don't try that stunt again. The little hand holding gig. That crap hurt like hell. But nice cover up lies."

                I snorted and said,

                "Only half of it was it a lie and don't you dare kiss me again. You really did break my heart Jake, now let go of me."

Jake let go but stayed frozen in his spot staring at me. I shrugged me shoulders and turned around. I walked away without as much as a glance back.


*Author's Note*

So now you know what Jake did to Nikki, but is that all? Sorry for grammar mistakes . Upload tomorrow. Song by Taylor Swift, Tell Me Why, I think it accurately describes the way Nikki felt during their first relationship.

Modeling Crisis (book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant