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Well, this is the last update for the week of updates! I hope that you all enjoyed it. But there may still be another update on New Years day. Thank you for all of the support. ❤

Also, forgot to mention tjat Officer Sumner last chapter was named after @Qveen_Malu. Thank you for being involved in the character naming.

Hope you guys have a good day today. Lots of love <3

Chapter 79:

    I woke up the next morning to find that Zayn was still sleeping. His arm was wrapped around my waist protectively, and his head rested just above my own. Everything was so warm and comfortable, and I never wanted to leave from the bed.

    I looked up at Zayn, and I smiled as I saw that, finally, he seemed to be in a peaceful sleep.

   He never woke up last night. He didn't cry or scream from nightmares, and he didn't whimper at all in his sleep. He slept soundly, and I only fell asleep after making sure that he was truly okay.

    But I wasn't stupid. I knew that eventhought Zayn finally faced his father and got years and years of emotions off of his chest, he still had a long way to go to fully recover. There was still a sadness that would linger within him every time he thought of the past, but I had high hopes that it would be a bit easier now.

    I smiled as I heard Zayn take a deeper breath before mumbling in his sleep, and I kiss his jaw before snuggling deeper into his hold. Everything felt okay in the moment, and I noticed that everything felt easier, lighter. There wasn't a dreadful feeling hanging in the air. There wasn't the same type of pain festering in every corner of the room. It was calm. I could probably hear a pen drop and sound like a crash.

    There was a soft knock on the door, and I turned as it was pushed opened gently. Colette stood there, also looking rather rested, and she gave me a soft smile as she peeked into the room.

    "How is he?" She questioned. Her voice was delicate, still holding onto the tiredness that came from barely waking up, but she was also keeping it low so that she wouldn't dare wake Zayn.

    "He's good. He slept all night," I informed, seeing a proud smile play on her lips. She looked around his room for a moment, taking everything in, and then she turned back to me.

    "He's such a brave boy. I have no idea how he's done it all. He got his strength from his mum. And he couldn't have done it without you, Liam. You showed him that he's not what his father labelled him as. You showed him that it's okay to love," She offered, sounding very thankful.

    "He got strength from you, too," I offered, knowing that Colette also played an important part in Zayn's life. "You freed him from his father all of those years ago. You gave him an actual home, and you love him like he's your own. He'll always need you."

    Colette smiled brightly, and her happiness was contagious. "If you weren't all wrapped in Zayn's arms, then I'd hug you myself," She chuckled, and I found myself laughing as well.

    We fell into silence, and Colette gave a knowing smile. "That boy loves you very much," She assured, and I felt my heart flutter in my chest.

    "I love him, too," I admitted, turning back to Zayn and admiring how beautiful he was. It was so very relieving and reassuring to see how calm be was; no furrow of his brow, no tears staining his cheeks, and no frown on his lips. He just... was.

    "Well, I'll leave you two alone. Your mum and I are going to make breakfast. Thought it'd be fun to learn each other's recipes," She said with enthusiasm, and I was so grateful that they enjoyed each other's company. "She's relieved that you're okay."

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