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Update day on the same day as 6 years of Up All Night, the album that started it all. I don't know whether to celebrate or cry. Probably both.

PTR is a new initialism, and there will probably be two more after it is over. They're very fun.

Also, the character ask is coming soon (questions are still open until further notice), and I was wondering what else you guys would want. I really want to interact more with you guys because I love every single interaction. If you have any ideas at all (i.e. contests or one shots or chapter questions or anything) that you guys think would be fun, let me know.

1 week off of school, so I hope it'll be an easy week. Love you all, and stay safe.

Chapter 69:

    "Is your mum on her way?" Zayn asked. He was sitting in the center of his bed with my new song book, drawing doodles on the inside cover because I allowed him to. I was standing in front of his restroom mirror putting concealer on my neck, covering up the various love bites there from view. I was more than thankful that Colette allowed me to use a bit of hers, though it was a tad bit darker. I did my best to even it all out anyways.

   "She should be here soon. It's why I have to make sure this isn't noticeable," I commented, looking in the mirror at my neck, making sure it didn't immediately seem like there was make-up on my skin.

   "That's how you did it, isn't it?" Zayn questioned from the bed, and I looked over at him, registering the sudden somber tone in his voice. He stopped writing and was looking up at me, his eyes focused on where I was attempting to fix the concealer.

   "That's how you'd cover all of the bruises and scars that would be visible. Just like this," He pointed out, and I realized he was right.

   I would stand in front of my restroom mirror, looking at every single bruise in my reflection, and I would cover them up the best I could. Because I never wanted anyone to ask about them. I never wanted anyone to see them. Most importantly, I didn't want to see them. It was a way of fooling myself into thinking that the abuse couldn't possibly be happening. It never worked.

    I remember how Zayn asked once how many bruises I had that he couldn't see. I never answered, but Zayn seemed to already know. Always. I always had bruises that I just covered up-- a thick layer of concealer being my only armour.

    "Um, yeah," I acknowledged. It was very unusual looking into a mirror now, no longer seeing bruises on my skin, but feeling their familiar pain beneath the surface. The scars were still there, they would never leave, but I took comfort in the fact that there wouldn't be any more joining the cluster of scars.

    "The difference is that my hand isn't shaking in fear, my eyes aren't full of tears, and I'm not despising myself," I said. I offered Zayn a smile as I finished making the lovebites disappear. I closed the concealer and turned off the restroom light on my way out.

   "What'd you draw?" I questioned as I moved to sit beside Zayn on the bed. I looked at the song book to find that Zayn had flipped to the last page, writing different notes down some notes. He gave me a sheepish grin when I saw.

    "Sorry about that. I did draw, but I just had to write this tune that was stuck in my head down. But, um, it's about you. And it should sound just as lovely," He offered, and I laughed as I shook my head. It was still so hard to believe that anyone could see me as lovely.

   "It's okay. Maybe you can play it for me later?" I questioned, seeing Zayn nod. He set the song book aside and leaned into me, pressing a kiss to my lips, and I kissed back with a smile.

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