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Naruto strapped on his ninja outfit, his orange jacked thrown on to the floor and wore his red one instead. He was about to go on his fist mission after recovering from a comma in bright colors. Although he was discharged from the hospital he still needed to return every month for a body check. Tsunade informed him about any after effect that might show up in the future. Of course Naruto didn't believe her, she was always saying such odd things to him. But he knew that it was to keep a close eye on him.

"You ready?" Lee walked in with a serious look.

This will be a high mission, not a mission that involves the last surviving Uchiha, but to send a message to the Sunagakure's Kazekage, a message that they wish to hold peace between the two and hope that they would help in any way if there were to go under attack, in return Konoha would do the same.

"Yes." Naruto informed, a small smile that was now regular for everyone around them.

They still missed their knuckle headed ninja, but for now they needed to go back to their normal lives and then go after Sasuke when everyone thinks Naruto's up to shape.

"Good everyone's here." Shikamaru said as he arrived right after everyone meet in front of the gates.

Their current team consisted of four, which was Kiba, Shikamaru, Neji, and Naruto.

"I assume everyone knows about the plan?" Shikamaru said looking at everyone nod. "Good, Hokage said that we need to keep low, there isn't anyone dangerous in the way, but we never know when the Akatsuki will strike."

They all nodded and left soon after, Shikamaru taking the front as leader, Kiba is second, Naruto next since he's the strength and Neji the last, with his Byakugan he can see everything from behind, just in case they were to be attacked. This was exactly how they were when after Sasuke the first time. But Choji was currently in another mission. They ran and jumped from branch to branch to the sand village.

Naruto looked forwards, making sure nothing were to happen suddenly. Everyone took notice how serious he was, of course when remembering that in the village he was still smiling bright like the old days, he was slowly returning to them. But sometimes they would see his smile calmly to everyone greeting him. He was back, well that's what they would seem to think. For Naruto he knew some were having doubts but he still needed to find the rest of his memories as well as that Sasuke that everyone keeps talking about. Not to also mention the strange feeling he gets everytime he think about the mysterious guy they were all after to return to the village.

It was a feeling he wasn't familiar with, well that is, he doesn't rememberer if he's familiar with the feeling. It wasn't something good, but it was also nothing bad. Like a small ache in his chest, but would soon vanish when his train of thoughts get snatched away when the others would drag him into conversations.

"Naruto." Shikamaru spoke after they had stopped to take a break and make camp, the sun falling slowly over the sea of trees.

"Yes." Naruto spoke his serious look turned to neutral as he looked at Shikamaru with curiosity.

"Have you remembered anything about Sasuke?" He said, his eyes locking into Naruto's expression, as if one single slip can reveal anything to the Nara.

"Nope, when I try remembering I get a headache." The blond stated as he scratched his head and yawned.

"Troublesome." Shikamaru sighed as he laid down onto the soft grass by a tree.

"I'll take first look out, you guys get some rest." Naruto spoke up with a grin as he hopped into a branch for better view, making sure no enemies were trying to harm them.

"Thank God, Im tired!" Kiba yawned as he lay down and cuddled with his dog Akamaru, falling asleep instantly.

"I'll take the first shift Naruto, you're still recovering." Neji piped in as he was about to nudge Naruto towards the blond tent.

"Naw it's fine Neji, I can handle it, after all I feel much better now!" Naruto grinned his goofy smile as Neji simply nodded not wanting to argue with the bubble of joy.

Naruto looked around the camp, everyone was sleeping peacefully, Neji in his tent without a single sound made, Kiba snoring along side his dog Akamaru and Shikamaru simply gave a soft breath through his nose as he relaxed into slumber. The other's shifts of look out passed, but Naruto didn't mind. He actually couldn't sleep, the stars high in the sky were so beautiful that he didn't want to close them. Looking back at his comrades he gave a cold look. Not one of anger or dissatisfaction towards the four, it was more like confusion and disappointment. Snapping his fingers lightly he made a barrier around the camp sight and took the opportunity to scavenge the perimeter.

He walked elegantly, without a single sound as well as no flaws, stopping right in front of a small pond, it was filled with Lily pads and plants surrounding the pond. Naruto sat down on an erected stone from the ground and looked yet again towards the sky.

Kurama? He called into his mind.

What's up kit? The demon fox responded as he yawned.

You said that you couldn't tell me about why I lost my memory. Naruto stated.

What about it? Kurama said as his voice held suspicion.

Then can you tell me about Sasuke Uchiha? Naruto pondered as he yet again tried to recall that teens face but was unable to as he felt a pang of pain in his temples.

What do you want to know?

"What's he like?" Naruto spoke out loud, wanting to voice his curiosity, to make sure that he carved his questions into his body.

Well... From my prospective you two were rivals, always yapping and bitting at each other for dominance. Kurama said deep in thought as he recalled his own memories as he tried not to spill too much. You two always competed with everything, even though you always started the competition and he looked like he didn't care, he was always on board to win. Of course he always did win just to prove to you that he was indeed the best, but that never made you stop from challenging him the next chance you got. Everyone knew that you two were the best of friends. Of course you being the bubbly person back in the day and him being a brooding boy, you two were complete opposites. In the academy he would ignore everyone and scoff at you when you would fail as always. And when you two were placed in teams of course you and him didn't like it one bit. But in the end you two were the usual close friendship of two boys who wanted a place in the world.

"It sounds as if we wanted to kill each other." Naruto shook his head.

And I'm surprised that neither of you had died yet! Kurama exclaimed and Naruto's head was filled with a tour of laughter from the Kyuubi.

"How does he look like?"

He always wears white shorts, black ninja sandals and a blue wide neck shirt with his compound symbol behind it. On his arms he wear these weird white arm warmers for some reason and his skin is pale. His hair is black and long and spiked outward from the back. For some time now I've been thinking that it looks like a ducks bottom. Kurama snickered at his own imagery. His eyes are also black and let's see... Ah yes! He's taller than you... Well that's my memory from when you two graduated from the academy. I doubt he has the same outfit.

"Hmm." Naruto nodded. "I wonder what will happen to me when I see him."

Kurama didn't respond, he held his tongue, this was something he shouldn't speak of. It pained him to know that Naruto will go through such pain when the confrontation happens.

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