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Naruto returns from yet another failed rescue mission to bring Sasuke back to the village hidden in the leaf. His body was in shambles because he couldn't bring himself to go all out and hurt Sasuke. He would never do such a thing to his best friend and forever crush. Feeling such constructed emotions he broke once, he woke up from a one month coma. Tsunade secured him with medicine and tied him down just in case.

She didn't want to see her godson go through such pain over a teenage boy that didn't want to return home. But soon after the breakdown Naruto woke yet again the next day.

He sat up and looked out the big window beside his bed. The village was peaceful and the birds flew high up in the sky, as the tree's branches and leaf danced in the gentle breeze. He wore a white hospital gown, his bright blond hair was a complete mess and grew throughout the month. It wasn't too long, but it sure wasn't short anymore. He looked down to his hands. They were a reasonable size when it came to an eighteen year old. His eyes staring curiously as he closed and opened his hands in wonder.

The door in his room opened, he turned his head to see a woman with big breasts and blonde hair tied in two low pony tails over her shoulders. She started rambling off as she smiled wide at the blond boy. The boy just stared at her confused, like as if he didn't recognized her. The woman rambled yet again and started laughing at a memory she had with some old man named Jiraya.

"Umm, excuse me." Naruto said as he cut the woman off, which in return made the medical ninja raise a brow at the way he spoke. "I don't want to sound rude but, who are you?"

"Naruto, is this one of your pranks?" Tsunade said with an angry look. "Because if it is, it's not funny."

"Who's Naruto?" Yet again he looked confused and an irritated look replaced his calm features.

"What?" Tsunade said her face dropping as she stiffened and went to do a once over look at the boy. "How do you feel, is your head alright, who do you remember?"

"I feel fine, but for some reason sad. My head doesn't hurt." He stopped himself as he thought of the last question. "I don't remember anything, is that bad?"

Naruto looked worried as he started to panicking woman who now had tears running down her cheeks. She left walking in a fast pace out the door, her location, unknown.

Did I say something wrong? Naruto said as he stood up from his stiff bed. Where am I?

He turned towards the window and saw a faint reflection of himself, his blond hair was slightly longer, covering his ears slightly as he held three faint whisker marks on each cheek. His eyes were a beautiful ocean blue and he had bandages on his right arm. He looked around and decided to leave the room which was very quite, making him uncomfortable.

He walked barefoot out the door and found the exit quite easy. He strolled down the street and looked at some villagers who were glaring at him. He wondered why they looked at him in such a way. He walked too close to them and was surprised to see a rotten tomatoes hurl towards his head. To his surprise he moved his head forward slightly as the tomato smashed towards the floor.

"Why did you threw that at me?" Naruto questioned the villagers as he walked towards them.

"You're a demon! Leave you monster!" A man said in a gruff voice at the rest of the market people began to yell.

"Why do you call me that?"

"Because you killed my family!" A woman said crying as she walked forward.

"I did?" Naruto questioned confused. "I don't remember doing such a thing."

"It's all your fault my husband and children are dead!" The woman from before walked up to the teenage boy and slapped him across the face, shocking Naruto.

"Why would I do that? I would never hurt someone without a reason, at least I don't think so." He said. "Do you feel better?"

"Feel better?" The woman said confused as her face still held anger.

"After hitting me, do you feel better. I'm sorry for killing your family, but I don't remember doing anything like that, if you have proof can you show it to me?"

The woman and the rest of the villagers were speechless, they didn't know what to do. So they just went back to what they were doing and told Naruto to leave them alone. He waved goodbye to the villagers and told them that he was sorry and hoped they find peace in the future.

"Naruto!" A voice rang down through the field he was currently standing in and looking up into the clouds. "Naruto!" The voice shouted again, now moving closer to him.

Naruto didn't know who the voice was calling to get their attention. But soon enough a hand clasped his shoulder gently and turned him towards the new person. It was a boy about his age, he had strange upsidedown triangles under his eyes and on his head was a small pup.

"Didn't you hear me, I was calling you." The boy said with an irritated look. "What the hell are you doing outside the hospital when you're still recovering."

"Who are you?" Naruto said confused at how the boy would talk to him in such a familiar way.

"Don't play dumb idiot." The boy said as he smirked, waiting for his blond friend to burst out with a comment as well, but didn't which made him wonder.

"I don't mean to be, but I don't know who you are." Naruto said as he tilted his head.

"Naruto, what are you playing at?"

"Who's Naruto? That blonde haired lady kept calling me that as well, is that my name?" Naruto said starting to get a headache.

"Better go back to your room at the hospital and we'll figure out what's gotten into you." The teenager said now worried for his friend as he lead Naruto back to where he woke from.

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