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Naruto rose the next day as he remembered the events from yesterday, the boy who had made his body forget his life was someone that even his so called friends didn't know. He always kept a front and would smile, his feelings made sense now, especially the way the villagers would glare and throw curses at his direction every time he passed. It made him amused that everyone thought they knew Naruto, but in all honesty, the way he acted now was really his true self if it hadn't been to protect his own life. He knew now why he cared more about paying for the damages instead of the blonde girl getting hurt. Or the fact that he thought of the pink haired girl as weak and useless. But when he thought about the name Sasuke, for some odd reason he felt strange in his stomach, a new feeling he felt familiar and needed to remember what it is.

Naruto stood up from his hospital bed and headed out. he wasn't so sure as to how he was going to play out the day, the jig was up. They all knew he doesn't smile as easily or at all this past week or so. Not to mention he knows lady Tsunade is suspecting him of his act, and apparently his strength, especially Shikamaru. He needed to remember more about his memories, if not, he felt something bad was heading towards him in full throttle.

Naruto decided to keep calm, and to have a close watch at his emotions. He'll slowly but surely make it back to his normal smile like he did before he lost his memories. And hopefully the others don't notice his action, including the Nara kid.

In doing so he decided to act normal, well as normal as he did when he first woke up and started getting some memories back. He walked out the hospital and told the nurse where he was headed, just in case someone came to look for him. He walked through the streets and saw one of the Hyuga's walking, as considering Neji doesn't wear his hair loose and his color wasn't purple, Naruto knew it was Hinata, he needed to proceed with caution, he knew little of everyone, so right now he had to gather information over the situation. Knowing that Hinata was shy and delicate, and also noticing that she had a major crush on him, he decided to target her first. If he played his cards right, he'll be able to squeeze out the information he needed to retrieve his memories or even go back to his usual self.

"Good morning Hyuga-san." Naruto spoke with modesty and politeness.

Not seeing or hearing anyone around her, Hinata jumped and squealed at the sudden voice next to her. She turned to see Naruto smiling at her softly, his orange pants ironed neatly, and his opened jacket didn't make her mind calm down as she started to scream at herself in her mind.

"It's Naruto!" She thought. "What should I do? What should I say! Wait he said good morning, maybe I should say it back, don't stutter, DONT STUTTER!"

"H-H-H-H-Haaaaaa." She let out a soft gentle moan sound, not a moan where people around would think she was erotic. It was more like her letting out a steady scream without any effort.

"Excuse me?" Naruto said confused on the outside as he smirked internally. "Maybe if I play my plan right she'll tell me even more than I need. But if I do something wrong then she'll just be a stuttering mess, she keeps staring at my chest and stomach, is it too much?"

"You dummy! Now he's looking at you like you're insane, he can't remember you yet and now his first conversation and memory of you will be you looking like a weirdo and he'll probably ignore you now!" Hinata thought as she slapped herself internally.

"Are you alright?" Naruto said, his face turning into a concerned one, that is if anyone were to see him he would, but Naruto knew that it was all an act, he needed to place his mask again, start from scratch.

"Y-Y-Y-YE- G-G-G-Goooooh." Hinata said trying to speak, but her mind was settled into his very fit and sexy body, not to mention the way he was running a hand through his hair.

"Well... I'll see you later Hyuga-san." Naruto said, changing his tactic as he turned to leave.

"W-w-wait!" Hinata squeak, finally letting out a somewhat proper word.

Hearing this Naruto smirked and then changed it into a neutral but calm look. "Yes?" He said tilting his head to the side.

Seeing this Hinata over heat as her nose bleed and she fell backwards into the floor, but before she could meet the hard dirt road Naruto was there first and caught her in his arms. "Wah! Hyuga-san?!"

"What's going on?" A voice said sounding panicked. "What's wrong with Hinata-sama?"

Turning around Naruto saw the other Hyuga, Neji, his eyes were widened as he ran the rest of the short distance of the small morning stroll he was tacking.

"I don't know, I was talking to her, but she was acting strange, or scared. So I decided to say my farewell, but she called out to me, when I turned around, her face suddenly turned completely red and her nose started to gush out blood, then she fainted. I caught her just in time before she collided with the ground." Naruto explained smoothly, but a small paniking in his voice to make sure he was doing perfect with his act.

"Well dressing like that in front of any girl would make them flustered." Neji said with a shake to his head and he said it under his breath, but Naruto either way heard it.

Naruto bowed slightly, with a worried look. "Will she be alright?"

"Yes, it seems she only fainted from a heat stroke" Neji said as he lifted her up into his arms.

"Heat stroke?" Naruto turned his head up into the sky as he saw the sun barely peeking out of the mountains, the morning wind passing by slowly. It was a cool early morning.

"I'll be off then." Neji said with a nod as he disappeared into the wind.

"Interesting." Naruto spoke his thoughts out loud.

A pang rang through his head as a memory filled in, it was about Hinata, since he was small he could always feel her lingering behind him everyday and when they were designated into teams he would only sense her occasionally. It was probably the fact that she too had to go on missions and didn't have time to stalk him now.

"Stalker... Ah! She's in love with me?" Naruto though, his eyes widening only a fraction from the neutral expression he had on his face.

He frowned, although he did feel flattered, yet for some reason he didn't feel any romantic feelings towards the pale eyed ninja, and for that he pityed her. He shook his head and he headed down and through the town, stopping occasionally when a new memory would surface, but they were only non important ones.

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