Chapter Forty-nine: Tiger

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I almost squealed when I saw Ladybug pop up on the screen; in all of my moral conflict about Marinette, I had forgotten that most of these videos would probably be about Ladybug and Chat Noir.

"Ladybug! Hey, it's Alya Cesaire from the Ladyblog!"

"Of course I remember, hey! How are you?"

"Great, thank you! I was actually going to ask if you could wish a friend of mine happy birthday?"

This was it. This was the moment, and I was so excited I could hardly breathe.

"Sure," she giggled. "Who's your friend?"

"His name is Adrien! He's turning eighteen next week."

Suddenly, Ladybug started blushing and stuttering, something I had never seen her do. I felt my ears warm up.

"Th-this is for Adrien? Adrien Agreste?"

Hearing her say my name gave me butterflies. I would be happy even if this was the entire video, but there was more.

"Oh! Um, sure! Forgive me, I'm a big fan," she laughed.

"Ready when you are!"

"Adrien! Hi, this is Ladybug! Oh, wait, he knows that, this is a video. Hahaha. May I start over?"


"Adrien! Hi! I hope you're doing well! I heard it was your birthday and I wanted to send warm wishes your way! So.. Happy birthday, Adrien~!"

Ladybug giggled and blew a kiss at the camera, then proceeded to blush and ask Alya if she thought that was too much.

Meanwhile, I was still hyperventilating on the couch, as the next video started on autoplay.

Because Ladybug just blew me a kiss.

She's a 'big fan'? Oh, gosh. Yep, Ladybug was my fan. Ladybug was a fan of Adrien Agreste. Ladybug blushed and stuttered and giggled at Adrien Agreste.

My life was complete.

...Yet, there was still more.

"Hello, everyone, and welcome back to another episode of... Alya trapped in a bubble! Thanks, evil akuma!"

Oh, I remembered this.. When Nino was the bubbler. Alya was trapped in a bubble and floating in the sky. Though for someone slowly floating away, she seemed pretty calm.

"Seriously, though. I am so bored up here. I know Chat and Lady are going to get us down safely, but in the meantime, I'm stuck with no room to stretch out."

She pointed the camera down and you could see Ladybug and I battling with the Bubbler. It was a pretty cool view, if you ignored the awful green tint from the bubble.

"Nah, this is lame," she said before turning off her camera.

The next video took place in the park; I was pretending to be a park security guard, and Ladybug was watching from behind a nearby tree. She seemed to get rather angry when I danced around, whistling playfully.

"Act natural, or he'll never show up!" She whisper-shouted.

"What do you mean? I am acting natural!" I joked.

Alya giggled to herself before trying to get Ladybug's attention.

"Psst! Ladybug!"

Ladybug looked upwards behind her, only to look startled.

"Alya!? Why are you in a tree??"

"Isn't it obvious, my lady?" I asked from afar. "She wanted a bird's eye view!"


I snickered at Ladybug's adorable eyeroll as the next video started playing. I was really enjoying this. The next scene was in class; Alya was filming as Nino and I walked in.

"Hey, Marinette?" She whispered, turning the camera to a sleeping Mari.

"Nope.." She mumbled, exhausted.

"But Adrien's here~"

In one fluid motion, Marinette sprang up and fixed her hair in record time.

"Morning, Alya, morning Marinette!"

"Morning? Good.. I mean! Good morning! Yes!"

Alya giggled as Marinette flushed and covered her face with her hands.

"Go get'em, tiger." She joked.

Did Marinette just..?

I paused the video and moved back a bit to watch that part again.

She was.. Trying to impress me?

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