Chapter Twenty-five: Let's Talk

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I released my transformation and sank down against the cold brick wall I had been hiding behind.

"Hey, Plagg. Here's your cheese."

"You do love me. I knew it was true."

I shook my head at the silly kwami and scratched him behind the ear.

I felt a stinging pain in my numb skin and remembered the burn I had recieved from the akuma's brutal flame attack. Even against my cataclysm, it scorched my right arm.

"That was a tough battle; we almost didn't make it that time."

"Yeah," started Plagg with a mouth full of camembert. "Widdout that Ayya girl, you guys wuud've been toast."

"Yeah, actually. As reckless as she was, I'm pretty glad she interfered."

I pulled her blog up on my phone and confirmed my suspicions; she had been filming the whole time. And what a scene it was! I paused it toward the end and took a screenshot of the nearly unbelievable image: The two of us were cornered, Chloe was soaked with water and ashes, crying on the ground, and Devil's Advocate -who we now knew to be Alix- was completely on fire, smiling eerily down at us.

Sure enough, you could clearly see Alya behind her, skillet aimed and ready to swing. Her Ladyblog was sure to go viral after this one.

"Alright Plagg, you ready?"

"Sure, why not?"

* * * * *

"Okay, Tikki. I think I'm ready."

"Good luck, Marinette!"

I retransformed and took a deep breath before stepping out of the alley and walking back toward the park where we had agreed to meet.
It was only a matter of minutes before Chat arrived and sat down next to me on the bench.

"Hello, my lovely Lady. To what do I owe the honor of your company this afternoon?"

I considered his question carefully before answering.

"Hmm.. To Alya, I suppose?"

"Oh, I see.. Because of the akuma fight?"

"What? Oh. Um, no, actually.. I saw your interview the other night."

His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree, and he beamed with excitement.

"Was it good? I haven't seen it yet! I felt so cool, being interviewed as just Chat. Usually I'm only interviewed when I'm beside you, so I was really excited!"

"I mean, yeah! It was super cool, truly! But..."

I hesitated, but decided it was best to be straightforward.

"But, um.. I have a concern."

"What's wrong, Bugaboo?"

I took a deep breath, and closed my eyes tightly.

"Chat Noir, are you in love with me?"


Silence. There was no sound, other than our quiet breathing and internal panicking.
My nails were digging into my palms, I realized, but I was too nervous to care.

Finally, when I couldn't stand it anymore, I opened my eyes.
There was Chat Noir, now standing above me, looking down as I sat confused on the bench. He looked sad. No, not sad.

"Chat Noir...?"

He sighed, and combed his clawed fingers lightly through his messy hair before letting his hand settle on the back of his neck.

"Would that be such a terrible thing? To be loved by me?"

I didn't know how to answer without hurting him. Of course not, but.. I was already in love with someone else..

"Alright.. I understand."

"What? Chat, I didn't--"

Chat sat down next to me, once again, and looked into my eyes. I was immediately paralyzed. His hand reached up to hold my cheek, and his thumb wiped away a tear as it fell from my eye.

"Oh, Ladybug.. Of course I love you.. I was head over heels since the day I met you."

He leaned in, his eyes so sincere and understanding it hurt me to look at them, and left a soft kiss on my head.

"Take your time, my lady."

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