> Chapter 1 <

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Disclaimer: The PJO and HoO series don't belong to me, they belong to Rick Riordan.
This will be my first Fanfic ever so yeah... Pls don't be too hard on me.

> No P.O.V. <

There he was, sitting next to his beloved her bed. Percy looked at Annabeth her face and knew she couldn't fight the poison in her system anymore. He wanted to control the poison and take it out of her body, but when he told her she said him not to do so because otherwise he would break his promise to her to never use such power ever again.

"Percy..." Was all Annabeth could croak out, trying to find her Fiance. He of course being the person that he is rushes to her, looking for any way that he could help her or relief some of her pain. "I need you to do something Percy," Annabeth continued. Percy tried to stop her from talking but she had to tell him the next part.

"Percy... I want you, to Kill me." Percy looked taken back a bit, his mouth trying to form words that he could not find.

"What... What are you saying Annabeth, I couldn't do that." he said while trying to hold back his sobs. As just the thought of her dying was one of the worst things he could think of, next to that one other place...

"You must Percy," She looked him right in the eyes seeing the tears that threatened to spill from his eyes. "I can't take it anymore Percy, this poison was made by Gaea. You can't reverse what has already been done I am already dying, why not relief me from the pain and send me to Elysium." All Percy could do right now was shake his head and cry. He understood the words, he knew they were true, but yet... He didn't want to believe it.

Percy proceeded to uncap Riptide, the sword that has always been by his side. "Annabeth, are you sure...?" He looked her Straight in the eyes. She nodded at him confidently not once letting his eyes leave hers.

He nodded, now just a single tear falling down his pained face. Annabeth seeing this reached out to his face, cupper his cheeck and wiped the Tear away with her thumb. He then held the handle of the sword with both of his hands, and plunged it into her heart.

"You saved me... I love you, my Seaweed Brain." Were her last words as she had a small smile on her face as her eyes became lifeless and her soul got claimed by Thanatos.

What they didn't know was that there were thirteen beings watching all of this happen,


Now a week Later, Percy got summoned to Olympus for his personal reward ceremony as they let him be with the daughter of Athena as long as possible. But, it was time that their hero got rewarded for all that he had done.

"Perseus Jackson, come forward." Zeus his voice boomed throughout all of Olympus. "We for all that you've done for us in the was against Gaea and the six people that you have lost, both in te procces and after. We would like to grant you godhood."

All Olympians were hoping he would of course say yes, since they thought that now that he didn't have anyone or anything holding him back he would choose Godhood over being a simple Demigod.

"I would have to decline again, I want to be able to reunite with my loved ones eventually." this shocked most of the Olympians, although Hestia down by the heart knew his answer before hand. She had after the Death of Annabeth Chase immediatly came to his side, just so he had a shoulder to cry on and someone to comfort him.

"But I do have a wish." Percy said outloud to the Olympians, Hestia and Hades (Who was here because Hestia forced -blackmailed him into it). Zeus nodded in acknowledgement wanting to hear what the Demigod wanted. "I wish for you to restore Hestia and give Hades their Thrones in the council." Percy said this while wolf glaring into Zeus his eyes, daring him to refuse.

"That can certainly be arranged." Zeus said as he held out his hand and two thrones rose, one was a complete copy of Hades his throne in the underworld. And the other was made from a wood like material with some lovely carvings in it, simple but all Hestia needed.

"Now as the boy didn't want to receive godhood, is there anyone that wants to bless him?" Zeus announced. To which some Olympians stood up.

Hera came forward, suprising most of the others present. "I know that what I have done to you cannot be easily forgiven. But I'd like to make it up with you by giving you my blessing that gives you the power to read minds and block your from being read by even us." Percy muttered a small thank you. And she proceeded to bless him.

Then Aphrodite came froward. "I wanted to give you the blessing that would make you more attractive, but your already perfect." Aphrodite giggled while standing uncomfortable close.
"So I'll give you a different blessing, One that I almost never give to others." she said suddenly, all playfullnes gone from her voice. "I hereby bless you with the ability to be able to withstand the mind control of even a Titan, so that no one will be able to control your body."

"How..." Percy asked shocked at what the godded just said. "Well you know, since I use charmspeak which is a form of mind control I can also bless someone so they are able to withstand stronger forms of mind control that could be permanent." all seriousness gone again.

Everyone was shocked by what Aphrodite revealed. As the only one who knew were her, Poseidon and Athena.

Then the last person who stood up came forward was Hestia, "Will... Will you be my champion, andadoptedson?"

"Yes of course I would like to be your Champion, but... what was the last thing you said...?" Hestia sighed, she had wanted to ask him this since his mother died in that plane crash. "I asked if you would like to be my son, If I may Adopt you..." She asked again, hoping he would say yes.

"Yes, I would love for you to be my mom, Thanks Hestia.... Although I will need to get used this." he said while tearing up a little. But all she did was Smile warmly and hug him, after which Poseidon also joined into the hug on demand of Hestia who shot him a glare worse then both the one of Percy and Lupa combined.


Word count: 1107
Okay so that was the first chapter to this new fanfic of mine. Hope you liked it, and I hope the characters weren't to OOC, it has been a while since I read the PJO and HoO books

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