coralei's bad night

Start from the beginning

RJ tickles Will's stomach, making Will bust out laughing.

"RJ! Stop! You are going to make me piss myself!" Will says as RJ laughs.

"Fine, I'll stop." RJ says as Will catches his breath and kisses RJ.

Coralei walks down the steps and sees Will and RJ on the couch tickling and kissing each other.

Will and RJ kiss a few times and then cuddle again. They then hear the stairs creaking and hear little feet walking down the steps.

"Daddy? Papi?" Coralei says quietly.

"Hey, Cora. What's wrong, baby? Are you okay?" Will says as Coralei walks over to the both of them.

"Scarwy noises." Coralei says as the thunder rumbles outside again.

"Aw, is the thunder scaring you?" RJ asks Coralei and she nods.

Will picks up Coralei and kisses her cheek. Coralei sits in Will's lap and lays her head on Will's chest.

"It's okay, baby girl. It's okay." RJ says as he kisses Coralei's head.

"I know the thunder and lightning is scary. It's okay. Papi and I are here." Will says as Coralei holds onto her unicorn tightly.

"Do you want some milk, Coralei?" RJ asks Coralei.

"Yes, Papi." Coralei says quietly as RJ heads into the kitchen to fill a sippy cup up with milk.

"Here you go, baby." RJ says as he kisses Coralei's cheek.

"Fank you." Coralei says as she begins to sip on her milk.

"You're welcome." RJ says as he rubs Coralei's back and kisses her again.

Coralei continues to sips on her milk as Will holds her in his lap. The thunder roars outside making Coralei scared again.

"Scarwy!" Coralei says, hiding her face in Will's chest.

"I know it is, Coralei. Shhh, shhh. It's okay, baby. It's okay. Here, sit with Papi. I have to use the potty real quick." Will says, putting Coralei in RJ's lap.

Coralei lays her head on RJ's chest, making RJ smile ear to ear.

"Do you wanna watch some cartoons? Maybe it will make you feel better." RJ asks Coralei.

"Uh huh." Coralei says as she wraps her blanket around her and holds her unicorn.

RJ pulls up Netflix on his iPhone and pulls up the kids section. Coralei yawns but is still scared of the weather that's happening outside.

"Pick what you wanna watch, princess. Anything you wanna watch." RJ says as he kisses Coralei.

Coralei picks My Little Pony and begins to watch an episode. RJ despises My Little Pony but will do anything to help Coralei and get her back to sleep.

Will checks on Theodore and Benji and they are still both fast asleep. Will walks back downstairs and sees RJ and Coralei cuddling on the couch, watching My Little Pony.

Coralei watches the episode happily and giggles at the ponies getting into trouble.

Will smiles at RJ and RJ rolls his eyes in annoyance of the singing ponies.

Will sits down in the love seat that is across from the couch and Dobby walks over to him.

"Hi, Dobby. Whatcha doing?" Will says in a whisper as Dobby licks his cheek.

"Dobby!" Coralei says as Dobby walks over and kisses Coralei's cheek.

Will checks his emails and checks his Facebook while RJ is falling asleep with Coralei watching another My Little Pony episode.

"Coralei, let's go back to bed. It's getting late, baby girl." Will says as Coralei pouts.

"It's scarwy. The rain and noises." Coralei says with a frown.

RJ looks up and Will and Will already knows what he is thinking.

"Do you wanna sleep with Papi and I tonight?" Will asks Coralei.

"Yes, pwease." Coralei says as she holds onto RJ.

Will and RJ smile brightly at each other.

"Let's get your pillow and blankets from your bedroom and then we can lay down." RJ says as he carries Coralei upstairs.

"Come on, Dobby. Let's go to bed." Will says as Dobby follows him up the steps.

RJ gets Coralei all set up in his and Will's bed.

"Hi, Daddy!" Coralei says as she waves.

"Hi, Coralei! I have your cup of milk." Will says as Coralei happily sips her milk.

Will and RJ get ready for bed in the master bathroom. They brush their teeth and wash their faces. Coralei continues to watch her My Little Pony episode. She giggles loudly at the ponies. 

Will and RJ get into bed and they both kiss Coralei's cheeks making her smile brightly.
Will and RJ then kiss each other.

Coralei lays her head on RJ's chest and continues to watch the My Little Pony episode.

"Goodnight Coralei. I love you so much, baby. If you wake up again and are scared, just wake up Papi or I. Okay?" Will says to Coralei.

"I wuv you too, Daddy! And otay!" Coralei says as she kisses Will.

"Goodnight, Coralei. I love you, baby girl." RJ says to Coralei.

"Wuv you too, Papi!" Coralei says.

"One more episode of My Little Pony, Okay?" RJ says to Coralei.

"Uh huh!" Coralei says as she yawns.

Will begins to read the book he has been trying to finish while RJ watched TV. Coralei continued to watch My Little Pony, not worried about the storm anymore.

After the third episodes finishes, Coralei is fast asleep. RJ carefully takes the iPhone away from Coralei and plugs it in for the night.

"She's finally asleep." RJ whispers to Will.

"My Little Pony does the trick." Will says as he giggles.

"Wanna watch a show?" RJ asks Will and Will happily nods.

RJ finds something in tv to watch and kisses Will twice.

"I love you, babe." RJ says in a whisper.

"I love you too." Will says happily.

Will and RJ watched a few tv shows before falling asleep. Coralei wasn't scared of the storm for the rest of the night :)

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