Logan pushes the door open to a large sitting room with several large settees. Each and every seat is occupied by a Usani family member. They enter and Logan closes the escape behind them. Silence reigns for several moments as the family once again take in a man that until this morning all believed was dead. Only Bear and Wolfe seem to be taking this all in with a relaxed stance. Wolfe has his arm around Sparrow keeping her at his side. One glance at her hands confirms her barely concealed fury. Archer counts the daggers at her waist. Ari squeezes his hand, wanting the quiet to be broken.

Logan coughs and all look at him. He grimaces. "Do I really need to announce them?" He quips.

Skyrah's mouth twitches and she adjusts the sleeping baby in her arms. Archer's eyes fall onto her. Skyrah rises and crosses the room. Her voice is soft as she speaks, "This is your niece, Quinn." Not giving him any chance to refuse she places the baby into his arms, forcing him to let go of Arisxandre. She meets his eyes. "It is nice to finally meet you."

She goes to Logan's side with Archer's eyes following her. Logan raises his eyebrows. "This is my wife Skyrah. She helped me to recover when we lost you. Did you know that I had gotten married or did you pretend that we no longer existed?"

"I knew," Archer replies, not knowing which is worse. Knowing and never appearing to wish his brother well or staying completely uninterested in his brothers' lives.

"And yet you did not give us the honour of knowing of your marriage?" Bronco speaks up as he rises. "You have been incredibly selfish." He strides towards Archer. Suddenly it is all too apparent why Skyrah gave Archer the baby. Bronco scowls. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

"First of all I am not a child who got caught with their hand in the larder. And second...I am sorry. I have handled things badly." Archer acknowledges.

Bronco glances at Ari. "I suggest you take Quinn." His voice brooks no arguments. Archer straightens his back and passes the baby to his wife. He tenses, preparing for a hit that never comes. Instead he is embraced and his hair is roughed up. Bronco grins as Archer scowls and ducks away. "Welcome back, Archer." He steps out of the way for Lilly to hug the man.

Lilly smiles warmly at him. "I could not say it better myself. I am relieved you are back with us." She gestures down at the boy clutching onto her skirts. "This is Colt." At this Archer crouches down and smiles at the boy. Colt buries his head in his mother's skirts. "Takes after his father," Lilly says with amusement gaining a sound of irritation from her husband.

Archer laughs and stands. Tilly comes next but she stands apart frowning. She looks at her mother and father and her mouth twists. She shakes her head. "I cannot do this," she claims and pushes past them and quickly exits the room. Lilly passes Colt over to his father and runs after her. Bronco shakes his head when Archer looks as if he is going to follow. His daughter may need a little more time to process this.

Bear steps forward and bows to Ari. "Lady Arisxandre, I am relieved to see you are better than Hunter believed however I doubt your sanity in marrying him." Bear is not going to call his brother by any other name, at least not is the presence of family. Ari shrugs her petite shoulders in reply as if agreeing. Bear's lips tweak upwards.

"My family frequently doubt my sanity too, they have done for years. I believe it is why they raised no obstacles when I finally agreed to marry. My insanity then no longer became their problem," Ari replies cheekily. "Although I believe it is a family trait as my brother can no longer appear to be sane. He has done the unexpected." Her eyes slip to Logan. "I believe you will have heard my sister-in-law is Zara. It caused quite a panic when I first found out. I feared I would have to hide Archer but she has been the epitome of trustworthiness throughout it all."

"I did hear. I am incredibly happy for her," Logan replies sincerely.

She nods. She looks around them all and thinks of how relieved she is that all has gone well. Lady Claire rises from her seat and comes forward. "I must admit I felt a great deal of affection for you when you were engaged to my son." Wolfe drops his head onto Sparrow's at the reminder of his previous engagement. Lady Claire pats Ari's hand. "It was a disappointment when I discovered that you were not to be family for your presence was always so cheerful and refined."

At this Archer disguises a bark of laughter with a cough. The word refined never seemed to fit her. He glances at Sparrow whose eyes are directed towards the ceiling. Feeling eyes on her they flick down and meet his. They share a smile of years ago of comradeship and amusement. A light flickers in her eyes. If he was to guess he would say she was fighting within herself on whether to grant forgiveness easily or not. Sparrow never did give forgiveness easily. Archer swears to himself that if she decides not to then he most certainly will earn it before he leaves. He always did like Sparrow.

Lady Clair frowns at her husband's son. She shakes her head and decides to ignore him, fastening her eyes once again on Arisxandre. "I am relieved that you are now family and that Archer was wise enough to place a ring on your finger. It seems that all has worked out well in the end." She squeezes Ari's hand and her eyes dart to Sparrow's. Sparrow barely smiles in response.

"Excuse me," Sparrow quietly says before hurrying past them all. She leaves the room within seconds and Lady Claire wrings her hands.

"I did not mean for any of that to be a complaint against Sparrow," she states.

"Do not worry mother, Sparrow probably simply requires some fresh air." Wolfe keeps the peace. He sighs and looks at Archer. "Since you are home, brother, you have some bridges to build." He waves him off with his hand.

Archer turns to Ari who speaks before he can. "I am perfectly safe and I do wish that you would hurry after her. If it was not for her, my hero, then we certainly would not be married today. Make all right, now!" She passionately exclaims. Archer chuckles and places a kiss on her cheek before racing after Sparrow.

Ari takes a seat and gazes at the family. Skyrah sinks down beside her with Logan sat across from them. Slowly all the family takes their seats and Ari beams. "Please you must tell me all that I have missed."

Lady Claire laughs and relaxes into her chair. "First I believe we should hear the story of how Archer proposed." All four brothers groan at that and rise to their feet. They bow and are about to exit the room, not wishing to hear of any romantic speeches, when they stop. They share a look and turn, going back to their seats. This may be something they can tease their brother on in the future. Ari stifles a giggle reading their intentions. Bear gestures for her to begin. 

Sorry for the wait! I hope you enjoyed it. So would like to hear how Archer proposed? Why do you think Sparrow left? Will Archer be able to earn her forgiveness? Or is another fist heading his way? What do you think? 

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