First date with Gemini (Pete's POV)

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After planning my date with Gemmi, I went straight to my grandfathers property and hopped into his pride and joy! The dodge! As soon as I saw that on her bucket list I knew I could make that dream happen! After getting dressed I texted her to get ready and I got into my suit that I wore to Grandma's funeral last year and drove to her house. And I knocked three times. As soon as she opened the door I saw her. In a beautiful dress, her hair was in a ponytail and she had curled the ends. She had also put on a scarf. She looked stunning. After we talked for a bit, we drove and we mucked around and sang in silly voices. I have been on heaps and heaps of dates before but, no one has ever made me laugh like she does. After we watched the movie... well after Gemini watched the movie... I spent most of the time staring at her glossy eyes and perfect, pink lips we drove to a petite diner and had a nice dinner. After she started to shiver so I placed my suit jacket over her little shoulders she whispered a "thank you" and I got her into my car and then myself and I drove her home. As soon as we got to her house it started to rain. And I though "great way to end a perfect night" but she just laughed. Soon I jumped out of the car and ran to her door for her out and walked to her front door shielding her from the rain. I said something and then I kissed her. I could tell she didn't really know what to do, but in that moment I didn't care. I felt sparks, I felt fireworks... I felt love.
I really didn't want to because she would be gone in a matter of months and I didn't want to be hurt... again.

Goodbye, my love...✔️ (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now