1 | ceremony

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- You are part of a group named (y/gn), your group has been 4 years in the industry and you are the youngest of the group.

- You are the main dancer and a vocalist.

- You have a screen name of your choice. ( Comment it here, I would like to know. C": )

- You and your group are under the company entertainment of aura ent, which is part of the big 3 companies.

‹« 爆豪勝己 »›

3 : 24 AM at Aura Ent; December 1, Saturday.

December 1, a day that is very precious to all invited idols, this is the day where the stadium are packed with various fans of various idols. This day is where the idols will know what kind of award they will soon bring home.

This is the day where y/gn was invited to a one of the best prestigious music awarding ceremony.

The one and only, MAMA music awards, which took places in Vietnam, Japan and Hong Kong but this day will take place in Hong Kong. It is a major Asian music awards ceremony presented annually by entertainment company of Z&K. The majority of prizes are awarded to artists who dance and sing. This ceremony has been held outside of Japan since 2011 and now airs internationally.

At an early time like this should be probably people sleeping peacefully but on the other hand; y/gn are wide awake, rehearsing their vocals and dance for the awarding ceremony and later on, they will travel from Japan to Hong Kong which is quite tiresome.

You yawned softly, sitting down on the floor as your group members are busy stuffing their selves as they were really hungry; you ate a heavy yet proper meal at your group's dorm since you were the first to wake up so you aren't that hungry.

"N/n, you're not going to eat? The food is really good!" The leader of the group said while stuffing food in his mouth.

"I have eaten already at home, Aikou!" You laughed, he nodded; smiling and continued eating.

Aikou Kiraze, age 24; height is 184 cm; the leader of y/gn; main rapper.

He was scouted by Aura at the age of 16, he used to be an underground rapper during the highschool days.

You stood up, stretching your tired limbs after doing so, you clapped your hands together and smirked at your group.

"Hurry up guys, we still need to rehearse remember?"

× × ×

6 : 48 PM at Hong Kong, MAMA music awards; December 1, Saturday.

"You know what to do guys right? We'll follow you from behind." Our manager instructed, you smirked and gave him a thumbs up, Aikou slowly opened the car door and went out first, every member of your group already got out.

"N/n? Let's go, hun." She gave her hand out to you, you nodded and grabbed her hand, you went out of the limousine carefully not to trip over your feet because sometimes you are clumsy.

"Alright, I'm out already Aki." You laughed, still holding her hand.

Aki Shouto, age 22; height is 177 cm; main vocalist.

Thalassophile ; Katsuki Bakugou ( x Reader )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ