"who gave you the motherfucking right to call me 'emz'? you're not my friend. you're ugly. and i don't love you. i'm sure not even mar does," she callously spit out as she looked over at the diffident girl sitting beside yoongi.

mar, as usual, said nothing in return, but instead continued to read her novel as if world war iii wasn't on the verge of sparking up right in front of her salad.

"i didn't say you love me. i said you love my company. but the fact that you misinterpreted my remark means that you were preoccupied with the idea of it, weren't you? you love me, kirsten, and i didn't need to do much to get you to admit it." emily's left eye started twitching from the way he tauntingly pronounced her last name. it made her want to suffocate the life out of him even more.

yoongi vs. emily.

now that's a film people would pay good money to watch, considering the two teenagers both excelled in savagery and had no actual mouth filters. if there was a worthy opponent for emily, it was surely yoongi—and vice versa. there was no doubt that the movie theater vendors would be selling aloe vera instead of popcorn from the amount of aching roasts that would be broadcasted.

"hey, emz," jay cautiously took a seat to her best friend's right, carefully inspecting her reaction as a way of testing the waters. if she doesn't ignore me, then she's not angry, jay reminded herself.

"hey, babe. your cousin's being a dumbass, but that's nothing really out of the ordinary," she greeted her in return.

jay squinted her eyes at emily's laid-back behavior. either she was pretending to not know about jay's intimacy with their english teacher, or she genuinely did not have the slightest idea about it. jay hoped it was the latter.

"emily, quit harassing him so much," hoseok briefly slapped the short girl's forearm with a tightly sealed pack of napkins, only to be met by the death gleam in the midst of her eyes.

"thank you, hobi. you're such an angel," yoongi flashed him a grateful smile, and hoseok briefly blushed at the flattering compliment. "unlike this bitch over here, who i'm certain is the devil's spawn."

"hoseok, did you seriously just tell me to stop 'harassing' him? did you really forget who drooled over whose boobs? i can't believe this. you're taking his side ... after everything we've been through?! here i thought we was special," emily ran the side of her index finger under her eyelid to convey her heartbreak. "here i thought we was in love."

nope, jay's conscience confirmed for her. doesn't seem like she knows anything.

"you should've seen it coming, emz," hoseok teasingly tucked some strands of her hair behind her ear as she continued to falsely sob. "after all, i'm gay, remember?" both yoongi and jay burst out in identical fits of laughter,—a quality that proved them undeniably related,—feeling proud that the orange-haired boy finally stood up for himself.

emily was not so amused.

neither was mar, but that's because she didn't care enough to be listening. she was still too consumed by the plot of the story to appreciate the group's inside joke.

the breathless cackles all came to a starling stop, however, when the circle of friends was joined by an unexpected visitor.

"jeon jungkook! you're back!" jay gasped as he plopped himself down on the seat beside her. his eyes, she noticed, were much more serene than from the last time she'd seen him—as if that brief weekend in jail had entirely pacified his rage and turned him into brand new man.

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