Chapter 4

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-----> Zalgo C: 

Third's POV

Pure annoyance. That how BEN can describe it.

As they headed back inside the mansion and up the stairs BEN turned to Jeff with a wicked smile across his face. "This place is my sanctuary, you can't come in here."

"Why not? We're friends now right?" Jeff questions and BEN rolls his eyes again before entering his room. He closes the door and locks it so Jeff wouldn't enter, "I'm taking that as a yes."

BEN facepalmed from behind the door. He let out a sigh of relief as footsteps fainted away from his door.

He smiled. A slight blush on his face, "I'm glad he did that.." He whispers to himself as he landed on his bed. However, his smile quickly faded as he was to do something unforgivable.

Jeff's POV

As I walked to my room, something felt off. I guess it's just me, I'm not sure.

I slowly entered my room to see everything rearranged. My clothes are on the floor, my computer turned over. Everything was a mess.

"Oh, I'm glad your finally here!" A familiar voice says from behind me. The door slams shut and I turn around to face Jane.

"Why do you keep showing up places?" I ask, facepalming at the site of her.

"This is for a different reason..." She began as she went to go sit on my bed. She slowly took off her mask revealing her ugly face. "I need you to take me somewhere. Somewhere far.." She asks me with pleading eyes.

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at her. "Out of all the people, why me? Ask someone else.." I say brushing her off.

"Please!" Jane shouts making me sweat drop. I sigh in defeat and her eyes are filled with tears, "Thank you so much!" She says as she hugs me. She quickly reaches for her mask and puts it back on.

"The things I do for her..." I mumble as I walk out of my room and Jane follows, "So where are gonna go? and why couldn't you go by yourself?"

She was silent. I could feel atmosphere change drastically as she grabbed my arm and quickly pulled me down the hallway. What was her deal?


I sighed as I finally decided to get up and out of bed. I quietly exited my room and couldn't help notice Jeff now coming out his room as well.

As soon I decided to walk over to him froze as Jane walked out with him. I can feel her gaze on me and then she turned around as if I was nothing.

She then proceeds the hold Jeff's right arm and continue down the hallway.

My gaze hits the floor as I head back into my room. I open my window and quickly jump out. Heading through the forest and finding the one man, I hated most in the world.

"Hello, BEN. I was just coming to get you. Seems like you've saved me the trouble."

I narrow my eyes at him, "Zalgo..."

"Come BEN, let us go. You're position as the Lieutenant Colonel still stands." Zalgo says as he began chuckle.  

I cross my arms and look away from him. 'Jeff would care if I left like that...'

I suddenly think to myself. He touches my shoulder with a creepy grin on his face. I could feel myself become paralyzed. My eyes widen as I couldn't move.

He began to walk away and I reluctantly followed him, "I have you in my grasps again BEN Drowned, and I will never let you go.." He told me followed by a sinister laugh that echoed throughout the forest.

We marched in until we reached a familiar metal door. All of the memories that I had wish to have forgotten all came flowing back to me.

The countless number of people we tortured here, the amount of bloodshed I saw in one day.

The screams everynight. It was horrible to be in his army, let alone be a victim.

I begged for him to save me if he could. 'Jeff....'

We headed inside and the silence filled the air. "Everyone! Gather around!" Zalgo began as he puts his hands in the air with joy. Lights suddenly flicker on showing the countless people that stood before me, "You're Lieutenant Colonel is back!" He shouts as his voice booms throughout the things followed by a cheer. 

"Welcome back Lieutenant!" A person shouts from the crowd followed by a few others. Smiles on their faces as they looked at me.

My gaze falls to the ground. I couldn't response. I couldn't move and it's all thanks to him...


Unbalanced yet Unbreakable [Jeff The Killer x Ben Drowned Fanfic]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant