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it has been a few months already and yinmi and all wanna one members have become close friends already. even though jihoon is still being such a huge airhead and would also always fet his pride ahead of hum, things seems fine.

no one still knows what yinmi looks like except for jinyoung.

it happened one night when yinmi's depression was paying her a visit again and she really needed someone to talk to. it should have been jihoon like the usual nights but he said he was busy.

so jinyoung volunteered and so yinmi agreed. i mean who wouldn't agree to a cute guy wanting to comfort you at night??? like, !?????!

she only wanted him to call through voice call or something, but he facetimed her. she didn't even notice since she was crying too much and she just needed someone to talk to asap.

she was a crying mess but jinyoung thought she looked very, very cute. his expectations of yinmi's visuals were reached. she even looked more beautiful than he expected. but anyways, after that night it was until yinmi realized jinyoung saw her face.

she wss really embarrassed and didnt talk to him for a day but since she couldnt resist him, they talked non stop and even did facetime again. and so everynight ever since that night, the two would always face time so he could check up on her and to see her smile. he loves seeing her smile.

as for the other boys, they have gotten closer too. they even have their own groupchat that doesnt have jihoon in it.

jisung made one when jihoon kept removing yinmi from the original groupchat.

reply ㅡ parkjihoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora