Back in Town

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"DAMON!" I screech, banging on the Salvatore's front door. "I know you're in there! Open the damn door!

I was absolutely livid. I had come back to Mystic Falls to find that Elijah had been daggered and Luka and his dad had been killed. This had Damon written all over it. I knew he had done it to protect his precious little doppelgänger.

The door finally opens and Elena is standing there looking at me like I'd lost my mind.

"Elizabeth" she asks incredulously.

"Where is he?" I demand. Ignoring her calling me Elizabeth

"Where's who?" she asks.

"Don't play dumb with me you little bitch," I sneer. "I know he's here, and he sent you to get the door because he knows I can't hurt you."

I move past her, into the house, but I'm stopped by an invisible barrier.

"What the hell?!"

"I'm here by myself," Elena explains. "Damon and Stefan aren't here."

"Then how come I can't come in?" I question.

"They signed the house deed over to me so no one can come in without my consent."

"No matter what you do, you won't be able to protect yourself from Klaus," I say. "He'll find a way to get to you. And he will break the curse."

"I thought you were on our side," Elena says, surprised.

"I was never on any side," I explain. "I was just doing what my father asked. My allegiance is to Klaus."

"What?" she says in disbelief.

"So, if you see Damon," I say, turning to go. "Tell him I need to talk to him."

Instead of Elena answering, she slams the door in my face.

"Alright then," I sigh, talking to the door. "There goes any chance of me trying to save your life, bitch."

I turn around and run into Ric.

"Mary Elizabeth ?What're you doing here?" he asks.

"Hello, uncle Klaus," I greet him, smiling.

"How'd you know it was me?" he says, surprised.

"Because I know how you love possession,and because you called me Mary Elizabeth only Father and you call me that ."I answer. "But I am curious as to why you chose this body."

"I didn't chose it," he explains. "One of Katerina's descendants did."


"Yes. Then I compelled her to kill herself after she turned Katerina over to me."

"Katerina's out of the tomb?" I ask incredulously. "How...?"

I trail off when I realize that Elijah had compelled her to stay where she was until Klaus got here, but the compulsion faded when Elijah was daggered.

"I've got something to take care of here," he says. "We'll catch up later."

"I was just leaving anyway."

"Goodbye, love," he answers.

"Ugh," I complain. "That doesn't sound right with that voice."

"My body will be here soon," he promises.

I turn and start walking to my car. I get in and start to think.

Possessing Ric's body was clever. Choosing someone who was close to the Salvatores was even more clever. There was no way anyone could outsmart Klaus. I knew there was no way of saving Elena if she was still human.

I was sitting at the bar in the Mystic Grill, nursing a cup of coffee, when the seat next to me moves and Stefan sits down.

I smile to myself. This was going to be fun.

"I take it that Damon didn't get my invitation," I say, staring down at the coffee.

"Threatening Elena," he says, a hint of anger in his voice. "Bad move."

"I wasn't threatening her," I point out. "I was simply just stating fact."

"You told her outright that you were on Klaus' side," Stefan says.

"No, I didn't," I answer. "I just told her that I had an allegiance to Klaus, but was only doing what my father told me because I have a loyalty to him."

"That's the same thing," he points out.

"Stefan," I say. "When you've been around as long as I have, you start to realize loyalty and allegiance are two very different things."

I dig money out of my bag and place it on the counter for the bartender to get.

"If you see Damon, tell him I need to speak to him," I say, getting up out of the chair. "Oh, and by the way, Klaus is closer than you think he is."

I walk out of the restaurant, leaving Stefan staring at me wondering what I could possibly mean.

"Ooh," I say in mock sympathy. "That looks like it hurts."

I was sitting on the counter in Ric's apartment, watching a compelled Katerina stab herself repeatedly in the leg with a kitchen knife.

"No one asked you to babysit me," she sneers.

"I'm not babysitting you," I explain. "I'm just here enjoying the entertainment."

"I see five-hundred years has softened you up," Katerina replies sarcastically.

"Don't you know it," I smile, enjoying the pain that I was causing. "It sucks that I'm not an Original. Otherwise I'd be able to compel you to stop."

"We both know you wouldn't do that," she say, diving the sharp edge of the knife back into her leg.

"You know me so well," I say, sarcastically .

I get off of the counter and walk towards the fridge.

"Doesn't he have anything to eat around here?" I complain when the fridge turns up empty.

"As much as I hate to interrupt," says a voice from the door. "I need to speak with Katerina."

I look up and Klaus is leaning up against the doorway.

"Sure," I say, looking over at Katerina. "I have some unfinished business with Damon Salvatore anyway."

"You wanted to see me?" Damon says, walking up to the gravestone I'm standing by.

"Good," I smile in the darkness. "I see you got my invitation."

My arms are behind my back, holding a stake. I wasn't really planning on killing him, just roughing him up enough to get my point across.

Before I can react, Damon is on top of me pinning me to the ground with a wooden stake, hovering just above where my heart was.

Hey guys, sorry it took me so long to update. I had writer's block and I just now sat down to try and break through it. Anyway, please read and review. Hope you enjoy!

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