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While I'm driving down the streets of Mystic Falls, my phone starts ringing in my bag. I stop at a stop sign, and dig it out.

I check the caller ID. Luka.

I smile to myself and answer the phone.

"Hey, handsome," I greet him.

"Hey, beautiful," he greets me back. "I heard you were in town."

Luka was one of my best friends. I'd known him since he was born.

"You're in Mystic Falls, too?" I ask, surprised.

"Yeah," he says. "Elijah needed my dad's help."

"Let me guess," I say. "To keep the Petrova doppelgänger safe from Klaus?"

"Yeah," Luka says. "I'm surprised you agreed to help Elijah. Considering how strong your loyalty is to Klaus."

"Elijah's my father," I explain. "My loyalties to him are stronger than they are to Klaus."

"Right," he says.

"Besides, we both know that if Klaus had asked me to help him first, I would've."

"Because you hate the Petrova doppelgängers with a passion?" Luka asked.

"Pretty much," I say. "Have you met this Elena girl?"

"No," he says. "But I met the best friend, Bonnie, and the brother, Jeremy."

"Bonnie is the Bennett witch, right?" I ask

"Yes," I could hear the smile in his voice. There was something going on there.



"There's something going on with you and that witch, isn't there?" I ask.

"No," he says too quickly. "I just think she's cool."

"Luka," I say, smiling. "You're not fooling anyone. You like this girl."

"Don't you wanna know where Katherine is?" Luka asks, changing the subject.

"She's going by 'Katherine' now? Ugh. Just call her by her real name, Katerina."

"Okay," Luka agrees. "Don't you wanna know where 'Katerina' is?"

I could hear him rolling his eyes at my request.

"Yes," I say. "Please tell me."

"In the tomb," Luka says. "Where the vampires were burned in 1864."

"Wait," I say. "Is Katerina dead?"

"No," Luka explains. "Turns out she wasn't in the tomb at all when they opened it."

"Then how is she in it now?" I ask, confused.

"She came back to Mystic Falls a few months ago," he says. "The Salvatores locked her in there. There was some sort of spell that Emily Bennett cast on it, so the vampires couldn't get out."

"And that's what's keeping her in there?" I ask.

"No," Luka said. "The spell was broken not too long after that."

"Then how is she still in there?!" I almost yell.

"Elijah compelled her to stay in there."


"So he would know where she was when Klaus came."

Klaus was coming to Mystic Falls? I couldn't help but being a little excited.

"I think I'm going to go pay Katerina a little visit," I tell Luka. "I'll talk to you later."

I hung up the phone before Luka could say another word.

I had been driving while I was talking to Luka. I almost missed the turn off to the ruins of Fell's Church.

I locked the car and walked towards the stairs leading down into the tomb. It was eerily quiet besides the occasional chirp of a bird and the click of my heels down the stone stairs. I was sure Katerina could hear me.

"Katerina," I call out when I get to the opening of the tomb. "Come out, come out, wherever you are."

It took a few minutes for Katerina to surface. She looked rough and looked close to the start of desiccation.

"Elizabeth Mikaelson" Katerina said in disbelief. "What're you doing here?"

"I came to have a little chat," I explain. "I wanted to know what you've been doing for the past five hundred years, besides running from Klaus."

"We both know that you're not here to catch up," she says. "So get to the point."

"Why should I?" I ask. "It's not like you're getting out any time soon."

"So, are you here on Klaus' or Elijah's errand?" Katerina asks.

"Neither," I inform her. "I'm here of my own accord."

Katerina stares me down, I knew that she wanted to rip my head off. She hated me as much as I hated her.

"Actually," I say. "I just came to see the fear on your face when you saw me here."

"What makes you think I'm afraid of you?"

"I'm older than you," I tell her, "And that means stronger."

"That's true," she says. "But there's still a chance that I could overpower you."

"Keep on dreaming little girl," I say. "But even if you somehow managed that, you're afraid of the Originals. You're even more afraid to kill me because you know that Elijah, and probably Klaus, would avenge me."

One look at her face, and I knew I was right.

I turn to go, with one more look at Katerina.

"Goodbye, Katerina," I tell her.

I loved scaring the hell out of her. It made me laugh. She knew couldn't touch a hair on my head without some sort of repercussion from my father.

While I was coming out of the tomb, I run into Damon again.

"What're you doing here?" I ask him.

"I should be asking you that," he tells me.

Then I feel a burning sensation in my back. Vervain.

I fall onto the ground, dry heaving because of the poison in my veins.

All I could feel was the vervain entering my system. It felt like fire.

The last thing I saw was Damon's shoes as I blacked out.

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