Daddy little Girl

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When I wake up, I'm in an underground cellar, tied to a chair. There's a garden of vervain growing in front of where I sit, held captive.

I'm weak from the vervain that's still in my body.

Damon walks into the room with a guy who has sandy blond hair and is holding a stake.

"How was your nap?" Damon asked, sinister.

I look the other way, trying to ignore him.

"We can do this the easy way," Damon suggests. "Or the hard way. It's your choice."

"I didn't realize that the Salvatores were so idiotic," I sneer. "Especially you."

"Excuse me?" he asked, surprised.

"You said it yourself," I say. "In the bar, you said I looked familiar."

"You met her in a bar?" the sandy haired guy asked.

Damon ignored his comment, focusing on only me.

"Who do I look like Damon?" I ask, mockingly. "Why do I look so familiar? I'm sure if you stare at me long enough you'll figure it out. "

Damon stared and studied my face for what seemed like forever, until I saw realization flash into his eyes.

"Damn it," Damon swore.

"What?" the other guy asked.

I started to smile, I knew he had seen Elijah in my face.

"Look into her face Ric," Damon said. "And tell me that you do not see Elijah."

The guy named Ric studied my face for a few seconds, and sighed.

"You're related to Elijah somehow, aren't you?" Ric asked me.

"No duh," I say. "First one to guess right gets the jackpot!"

"Sister?" Damon asks.

"I'm not an Original," I say

"Some sort of descendant of the Original family?" Ric asked.

"You guys suck at guessing games," I say, starting to get annoyed. "I'm his daughter."

"What?" Damon asked. "How is that possible?"

"Believe it or not," I say. "The Originals were once humans too."

They both looked at me, still not understanding.

"Elijah had a child before he turned!" I say, exasperated. "I'm that child!"

They looked at me confused."

"How shall I put this?" I sigh. "Elijah had relations with my mother before he was turned."

"Obviously," Damon said. "But that doesn't explain how you're a vampire."

"Are you really that stupid?!" I ask. "He turned me!"

"Why?" he asks.

"My mother died from illness shortly after I had turned eighteen," I explain. "And I was infected with the same disease and I was dying when Elijah found me."

"Why'd he turn you?" Damon asked.

"Because I felt guilty for leaving my daughter," a voice behind Damon said. Elijah.

"I didn't think Originals felt guilt," Damon said, still looking at me.

"Only towards the ones we love," my father said. He walked around Damon and untied me.

I stand up, sore from sitting for so long, and weak because of the vervain.

"You're lucky I'm weak," I tell Damon. "Otherwise, I'd be kicking your-"

Daddy's Little Angel (WattyAwards2014) (TVD FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now