His return

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Mikey's point of view.

Everyone was surprised when Raph walked out and went for the lab where Jas and Donnie now were, I was taking care of Riko at the moment as they asked making me wonder what he was up to when Kat came out, she said nothing and simply helped me with Riko so to understand what we had to do "I think he's trying to figure something out about himself with there help" she said simply making me nod as Nova and Leo were watching TV at the moment making me smile to them and how cute they were at the moment, it was then that the sudden sound of steps could be heard coming towards us making Kat take Riko to the dojo to be safe while the three of us got ready for anything that might happen as Jim and Mila came in the lair as he looked ready to kill someone.

"Where are they!? I am here and I wont leave empty handed!" he said as Leo looked to me almost ready to tell me to attack, but there was nothing making me understand that he would handle this making me nod to him "They went out for a bit to relax from everything that happened to them" Leo explained as Jim looked pissed while Mila tried to calm him down a bit "Let's come back later, then we can talk to them about all of this" Mila told Jim making him look to her and nod as they walked out of the lair to leave making me sigh as Leo went to the lab while I went to see Kat who looked slightly worried still at the moment "There going to come back later on, but with the lie of you and Jas being out we might have some time to get help" I said making her nod as she followed me to the living room as the other's came in "Jas got a call" Leo said making me nod "My dad is going to come with Jimmy's dad to see him and get a report, if Jim says anything about me and Kat being in danger with you guys my dad will bring up the fact that I called" she explained.

We all nodded to the news making me feel some relief about it as Jas took Riko with Don to there room as the rest of us retired for the day to get some sleep, Kat was still a bit worried and i'm sure she's scared of loosing the baby "Do you want Donnie to see if the baby is still alive?" I asked making her slowly nod making me do the same to her as a reply making me go and see him, when Jas opened the door I explained to her about Kat making her nod and get Donnie who went to his lab to get everything ready to see the baby, he got to work on seeing the baby and to find a heartbeat making Kat worry the longer she had to wait for a result and good news until a faint heartbeat was heard "There we are, the baby sounds fine but I suggest Kat to be on bedrest for a few days just to be on the safe side of things" Donnie explained making us both nod as I got Kat in bed to sleep making me smile to her as she went to sleep.

I walked out to see Leo in the kitchen drinking some tea, I went to sit with him as he looked a bit weak from something "Are you alright Leo?" I asked making him look to me and sigh "Nova is getting scared from all of this" he explained making me nod "Kat got stressed and we got Don to let us hear the babies' heartbeat as Kat got placed on bedrest for a few days" I explained making him nod in return "But Leo, Nova being scared can't have drained you enough to make you look ready to faint" I said making him sigh "I'm... sick... cancer sick I mean" he said making my eyes widen "What kind?" I asked making him point to his head "Donnie discovered a tumor of sorts at my brain, he says he can remove it but there are stronger chances that I don't survive and still die from it" he explained making me nod to him "Maybe we could get Rockwell to help? He could help Donnie to save you" I said making him sigh "Donnie contacted him but he said that he could only help Donnie so little" he said making me look down.

"My father, has doctors who know how it works with brain tumors, i'm sure he would be more then happy to send some to help save your life" Jas said walking in as we looked to her in surprise from her voice making Leo's eyes widen in joy as he nodded making Jas smile and go back to her room to make the call, Leo looked to his tea and drank some more "I was scared when I told Nova about it, and now this is the thing that scares her the most with Jas and Kat not being there anymore because of Jim, I just feel like slowly things might get worse" he said making me nod "Trust in us and things will get better" I said making him nod as I left for bed as Leo then did the same after finishing his tea, when I saw Kat still sleeping I smiled to her and got to her side as she curled up closer to me as I smiled at her, it was one of those little moments that I just don't want to loose the most making me simply try to hold on to Kat as much I can before something bad happens to me or her in the end because of something that I was unable to stop or fail in saving her life making me slowly close my eyes and go to sleep while holding Kat in my arms.

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