♫ 9. More To The Equation ♫

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The next night, they left Shimla for Goa and reached there close to lunch time. After checking into the hotel, they had lunch at the hotel restaurant itself before deciding to go change into beach wear and meet at the beach. Fifteen minutes later, the girls met the guys, who had arrived just five minutes them. Khushi wore a berry dress which came till just above her knees. Riddhima donned pearl colored laced dress which came up to her thighs while Kripa was wearing see-through off-white dress top.

It was so much easier for the guys. They just had to take off their shirts and change their jeans to shorts. Angad kept on a white tank while Armaan put on a yellow jacket, unzipped.

Angad kept on staring at Kripa. Armaan hit him. "Dude?"

"What? You can't blame me. Those girls are dressed to kill!" Armaan shook his head and looked away. He very well knew Angad wasn't wrong to stare. He himself had been gazing at Riddhima. He was just quick enough to look away before he was caught - years of experience. Though with a single glance itself, the image was burned in his head.

The dress she was wearing was definitely seductive. The holes in the dress left her waist exposed and none of her curves were left to imagination. She wore red shorts and a white sports bra underneath, but with the lace, he could see despite the dress on top.

Khushi joked, narrowing her eyes towards the blanket where they sat. "Don't tell me we're going to sit here the whole day and not go in the water?"

"Obviously not," Angad piped, getting up. Riddhima took his space instead. "You guys carry on. I'm not going to get wet already."

All of them, except Riddhima, attacked the water sports. From where she was, Riddhima observed them, just saw them have fun with the waves and the water sports. Mostly, she was watching Armaan surf, when it was his turn to. They were all having fun, but one part did irk her. The girls. Ogling at Armaan. Not only that, ogling at his perfect tanned body. He just had to leave his shirt unzipped, right? She frowned as some even approached him.

Kripa was scared to surf and so Angad accompanied her to the different water sports. A while later, Riddhima got up to walk to the shore. The water occasionally touched her feet, but it pulled back on it own before even submerging her entire foot. It barely reached her ankle, and that was all she was comfortable with.

Khushi waved for her to come in, but she denied. A while later, she saw Khushi whisper something in Armaan ears and Armaan shook his head. They argued back and forth and then Armaan started walking towards her. Riddhima wondered what prank Khushi had talked Armaan into now.

She didn't have to wonder for long as when she reached her, he apologized beforehand. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" By the time Riddhima managed to voice out her confusion, she was lifted off her feet. Armaan had scooped her up in his arms. "For this," He answered as he started to walk towards the waters. Riddhima caught up to the situation and why Armaan said sorry before itself. "Armaan, put me down!"

He refused, "Sorry, can't do."

"Armaan! Please, don't..." Riddhima pleaded when she saw his eyes glinting with mischief. She could tell that he was about to drop her. They were atleast that deep in the water whereby if he dropped her, she was sure to completely get drenched before she could get on her feet.

And that was exactly what happened.

She spoke his name, angrily, in two separate syllables. "Ar-maan!!"

Before she would go off on him or dunk him in as well, he immediately pulled Khushi in between. "It was all her."

Riddhima managed to peel Khushi away from between them. "It was you who put her plan in action!"

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