♫ 8. Make A Difference ♫

Start from the beginning

"Riddhima, his...?"

"Basketball." She answered before Sapna even finished, catching on that she was simply going back and forth, and she already knew the answer.

Sapna laughed, "So you two do have something in common."

"Oh yes," Riddhima cheekily informed, "The one thing Armaan always loses in."

Armaan rolled his eyes, "Please, I'm the one who taught you how to play."

"Okay, before you two start arguing again, I'm going to move on. Next question," Sapna interrupted them, "Her favorite accessory?"

"Her necklace. She never takes it off."


"His watch. He's got like a drawer full of them. I don't get why but he is obsessed with them."

Sapna instructed, "Interesting. Now, Riddhima, you answer the next set of questions first. Armaan, you follow." At their nod, she fired. "One thing Armaan can't live without?"

"Are we talking things or people?" Riddhima clarified.

Sapna wasn't picky, "Either."

"Well, things wise, he has to have apple juice for breakfast. I fear he'd die without it. And people-wise, he can't live without his family."


"Her friendship with my sister."

Sapna asked another question, "Riddhima, what is Armaan most protective about?"

"His personal life, but mostly his sister."

Sapna commented, "Well, that should have been an obvious, right? We all have learnt he adores his sister."

Riddhima smiled, nodding. When Sapna looked at him, he answered. "She's most protective about me."

Riddhima joked, "As if. I'm more protective of my song book."

Sapna asked another question, "What do you do when he does something to irritate you?"

Riddhima grinned, picked up the pillow from the center and hit his shoulder. It came unexpected and he almost fell. "Beat him up."

"Basket!" He exclaimed, grabbing at the pillow to stop from falling and ended up pulling her from the other end of the couch to the center. "One of these days, I'm going to end up in the hospital because of you."

"Good thing I'm studying to be a doctor then." She commented, biting her cheek to stop from laughing at the glare in his eyes.

He rolled his eyes, "See, if anyone ever doubts how I died, you have proof Sapna. It's all because of this girl."

Sapna shook her head at their banter before urging Armaan, "Mhmm, now what do you do if she does something to irritate you?"

"Irritate her right back till the point where she stomps off."

Sapna mock scolded, "That's not nice, Armaan."

Riddhima defended while chuckling, "True, but he's also usually the first one to come up to me and say sorry. Though it might be because he knows he was at fault."

"I still apologize." He reiterated the bottom point, suggesting how he didn't let ego get in the way.

Riddhima nodded, "Okay, yeah. I do have to give him that."

"Aww, that's sweet. Next question. What was his favorite toy growing up?"

Riddhima opened her mouth but he slammed his palm over it. "Oh no. We will not be revealing that to all of India."

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