Chapter 7: Honesty and Kindness

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So our team of Heroes walked into the forest through the mountain side to find where Dark Manic's location is. As they were walking along, they were unaware of a dark green mass following them on their journey.
"Are you sure were heading the right way?" Amy asked "He was seen heading this direction. And the energy signature from the emeralds are coming from here." Tails said looking at a scanner device. "We just need to keep our eyes peeled for anything strange." Silver told them. While they were walking down a path on a ridge, the green mass phased into the rocky side underneath them. "You guys really didn't have to go with me on this mission." Sonic said. Then Knuckles looked at and said "Come on Sonic! We've been through a lot together, whatever Dark Manic has for us we can handle it." But as he said that, the ground beneath them started to crumble and it collapsed down the cliff.

Tails, Cream, and Silver started to fly up before it crumbled. But everyone else slid down the cliff. "Come on guys!" Tails told them and they raced down to catch their friends. Silver flew as fast as he could and caught Blaze in his arms bridal style. "Thanks Silver" she told him "No problem". Tails and Cream flew over to Amy and grabbed both her arms. "Are you alright Amy?" Cream asked concerned. "I'm fine but Sonic and Knuckles are still in trouble." Amy said.
She was right. Knuckles and Sonic we're still sliding down cliff. Until Knuckles punched his spiked fist into the wall to anchor him down and grabbed Sonic's hand so he'll stop falling. They were both hanging off a ledge on the side of the cliff. "Any ideas what to do Knuckles?" Sonic called out hanging on for dear life. The echidna looked at his hedgehog friend for a minute until he saw something that gave him an idea. "Let go." He said. "What?! Are you crazy?!" Sonic said in shock. "Sonic, you know I never hold back the truth. I'd never lie when it comes to stuff like this. So believe me when I say that if you let go now, you'll be ok. So let go of my hand." Knuckles told him reassuringly. So with those words, Sonic let go of his hand and fell. "AAHHH..What the?!" To his surprise, he found himself being carried by Tails and Cream.

"We've got you Sonic." Tails said while grabbing his arm. "Are you ok?" Cream asked him. "I'm fine. Thanks to you guys, and Knuckles." He said while watching Knuckles climb down on his own with ease. When they reached the bottom safely, he saw that everyone made it down alright and unharmed. "Is everyone okay?" Sonic asked "We're fine Sonic." Blaze said "We're all here in one piece." Said Silver. Sonic grinned and then turned to Knuckles who just got on the ground. "Thanks for helping me back there Knux." "Hey! You may keep some things about yourself, but I would never keep the truth from you about stuff like that. I'd never leave my friends hanging." He told him while patting him on the back. "Come on guys. Let's keep moving." Tails said as they continued their journey.
As they moved along through the path, the dark green mass went ahead of them towards a large animal nearby.
The gang was just walking their way down the path towards the same direction as the animal. " after we got Amy down safe, that's when we got Knuckles' attention to save you." Tails explained to Sonic. "It was a good rescue. But let's focus on our mission ahead..." ROOOAAR! They all heard a loud roar and when they looked in front them, there was a large angry Grizzly bear in their path. It was blocking their path and wouldn't let them pass due to it growling and thrashing its claws. "ROOAAR" "Well if he's not gonna move, then someone's gotta make him!" Knuckles said and he charged towards the angry bear. He was about punch it when it swiped it's strong paw at him, causing him to crash into a tree. "Knuckles!" Amy yelled and then went towards the grizzly with her hammer in her hands. With one swing, she was able to hit him in the face. "Take that you beast." She said with triumph until the bear roared in her face causing her quills to stand up the the wrong way. "My hair!" She said when the bear was about to claw her until a blue blur moved her out of the way. "You alright Amy?" Sonic said as he put her down, "I'm okay." She said while fixing her hair.
Meanwhile, Tails and Silver we're trying to deal with the bear. "Catch Silver!" Tails called as he threw a rope end to him. "Thanks Tails!" He said. So they flew around the grizzly bear trying to tie it up. Until it grabbed the rope his teeth and start to swing them around. "WOOOOOAAAHH!" They kept going until it let go and sent them back behind the group. "Guys!" They called out, then Sonic turned to the bear looking mad. "You're gonna regret that Smokey!" He said. So they all gathered behind Sonic, they all charged towards the bear with Sonic about do a spin dash until they were stopped.

"WAIT!!!" They were blocked by Cream who stood between them and the bear. She turned to the bear and started to walk slowly towards it. The whole team stared at her bewildered "What is she doing?! Has that rabbit lost her mind?!" Knuckles said and then Blaze elbowed his arm. "Give her a chance Knuckles, I'm sure Cream knows what she's doing." She said.
The grumpy grizzly bear growled lowly as Cream continued to approach him. "It's okay." She said as she put a soft hand on him and the bear's growling stopped and began to whimper instead. Everyone looked amazed on how she had been handling the wild grizzly. He then held out his paw and showed her a large thorn stuck to it. "Oh you poor thing. Just hold still, this might sting." She said in a calming tone. So she grabbed the thorn and as she pulled it out, the let out a big roar.
"Cream!" They all started to freak out until they saw it wasn't attacking her, it was licking her face in gratitude. "Aww you're just a big old teddy bear aren't you." She said when the bear gave her a hug. This gave the gang to pass through which they did. Sonic then turned to Cream after saying goodbye to the now tamed grizzly bear. "How did you know about the thorn?" He asked her. "I didn't. I just thought he needed a friend instead of fighting." She answered. Then Tails came over and said "You we're amazing. How did you do it?" She just smiled and said "Sometimes we just need to be shown a little kindness." And they all continued their way.

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