Chapter 6: The Return

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The gang went to where the crash was where there was already a crowd surrounding the area. Inside the middle of a crater, a dark green figure was getting up from his crouched position. He revealed himself as a dark green hedgehog with a dark glowing aura surrounding him. Finally, he opened his eyes revealing white glowing eyes and he smiled with razor sharp teeth.

The whole crowd looked at him scared, except for Sonic because he knew who it was. Then Dark Manic spoke in a deep serious voice "Hello everyone, I'm back! Did any of you miss me?" Everyone just cowered in fear. "Who are you?" One of the citizens asked and Dark Manic just looked mad at the question. "Who am I!? Have you all really forgotten about me?! After being trapped in the moon for years, you all don't remember who I am?!!" He shouted as the people trembled in fear.
Until someone shouted out "I remember!" And they all turned to him. That someone was Sonic. Dark Manic came up to him with a sinister grin. "Well hello Sonic. Good to see you again. Are you still being a hero?" Sonic just glared back at him and answered "I was waiting for you to come back." "Well now that I'm here we'll finish what we started. Only this time, on my terms." Everyone still looked fearful but Sonic still stayed brave. "Come and get me if you're ready." And with that last remark, Dark Manic flew away towards the mountains near by.

Everyone was shocked by what they just witnessed. Even Sonic's friends looked at him with shocked as he walked away from the scene. Then when they snapped out of it, they followed him and Amy was the first to ask. "What just happened?! Who was that Sonic?!" Then Sonic just turned to them and said, "That .... Was my brother Manic."
Back at Sonic's house, Sonia arrived after she saw that the moon didn't have Manic's silhouette anymore. The whole gang asked them questions about Dark Manic. "How can that be your brother?! I thought you said Manic was dead!" Knuckles yelled. "No. I never said he was dead, I said we lost him. That doesn't mean he died." Sonia told him. "Even so, what happened to him?" Silver asked, "How did he become dark?" Blaze asked, "And why didn't you tell us about it?" Amy asked finally. He knew there was no way out, so he decided to tell them the truth.

"Alright! You guys want to know, I'll tell you." He said. So everyone settled down to listen to his story. "A few years ago during my last summertime festival, I was charged with looking after the Chaos Emeralds." "What are those?" Asked Cream. "They're the most powerful gems in the world. The have ability to give anyone a super form of their own." Silver answered and let Sonic continue.
"That's right. So anyway, while I was watching them, Manic and I got into an argument. He said he was tired of me being the hero of the family while he's the only one of us who has no powers. But we were so angry with each other, we didn't notice our backpacks were mixed up so he had mine with the emeralds inside without knowing. But I didn't bother to stop him." Everyone looked concerned as he kept going. "He must have set them off by accident and turned into Dark Manic. Then when he came to the festival, he said he could he help now that he had powers but we told him no. When I said that he'll never be like me, that's when he snapped and attacked me. We fought brutality and I was losing." Then Amy asked "What did you do?" He looked down at them "I realized he was too powerful, I couldn't let roam around and hurt others. So I had to use the chaos emeralds to turn into Super Sonic. I used it to not only defeat him, but I banished him to the moon." Sonic said with his head down.
"So that's how the moon got a hedgehog silhouette on it." Tails figured but Sonic wasn't done yet. "Our mother said that the power keeping him there may wear off eventually, so I just waited for him to return even if I missed something." He said as he finished. "That's why you didn't attend the festival for years." Blaze realized. "But if the chaos emeralds turned you into super Sonic, why did they turn your brother into Dark Manic?" Silver asked. "The energy must be feeding off his darkest emotions, anger, jealousy, rejection. While Sonic was just thinking about protecting the people." Sonia answered for him

"But still, why didn't you tell us the truth? Why hide it?" Knuckles asked. "I couldn't bring myself myself to tell the truth. It was painful enough to watch it happen for real, let alone talk about it. Besides, I was afraid of what you guys would think if you knew I sent my own brother to the moon." Sonic say with his ears down. They all looked at each other with concern until they looked back at him. "It's okay Sonic. You don't have to be afraid anymore." Cream said as she was giving him a hug. "Yeah, what happened with Manic is in the past. And we're here for you no matter what." Tails said while everyone else agreed. Sonic looked around at his friends seeing how supportive they are.
"Thanks guys. But now to the problem at hand. I have to go and stop Dark Manic before he can hurt anyone." He said. "Then why don't you stop him the same way you did last time?" Knuckles suggested. Then Sonia stepped up and said "That might be a problem. After I noticed he left the moon, a dark green streak broke into where the emeralds were kept and stole them. It may have been Dark Manic." "So now he has the chaos emeralds?! This is serious." Sonic said. "Then we have to go after him and stop him ourselves." Blaze said seriously. As she said that, Sonic turned to his friends who agreed with her. "We? Hold on a second! The last time I fought him, I barely defeated him. I can't let you guys risk yourself for me." He argued. "Sonic, I know you don't want any of us to get hurt, but we can't let you face him alone." Amy argued. "Amy's right. If he really is as dangerous as you said, then you're gonna need us." Said Silver. "Sonic, we all agreed to help you with your problem. Now that we understand what it is, please let us help you." Tails said to him. Sonic looked at his younger brother and his friends seeing how determined they are.
Finally he gave in, "Alright. I guess I can't stop you guys. Let's do it." They all smiled. "Now we just need to know where to find him." Knuckles  said. Then Sonia spoke up, "I think I saw his streak heading towards the mountains close by." So Sonic stood up and said. "Okay guys, ready for this mission." "Yeah!" They all shouted out. "Then let's get going." With that, they started to head out as Sonia called out "Good luck guys!"

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