Chapter 22

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Sasha's P.O.V

Today was the day that I was going to call for an appointment to see if I was pregnant. I've been so anxious. What if I am pregnant what is me and Roman going to do? We can't take care of our baby when we can barley take care of ourselves and Millie and Joelle. I need to sneak around the house so Roman doesn't find out what I'm doing.

Hey babe. Roman said as I came down the stairs.

Hey. What smells so good? I said.

Your favorite. I'm know you've been tired lately. So I decided to make you feel a little bit special.

That's sweet, but you make me feel special everyday. I said and then he kiss me and then Millie and Joelle started running down to eat breakfast.

Eww. Can you guys do some other time like when we're asleep or not here? Joelle said.

Yeah, why don't we do it some other time like tonight? Roman asked.

Why don't you give me, Millie, and Joelle our breakfast? I asked.

I'll give you your breakfast. Roman said and then gave us our breakfast. After eating we all got ready for today I took Millie and Joelle to school and when I came back Roman left to go to the gym and I decided to make a appointment now. I called my fertility doctor Dr.Grace Robinson.

Hello, Dr. Robinson's office how may I help you? The assistant said through the phone.

Hi, I want to make a appointment. I said.

Okay, what is it for?

To see if I'm pregnant.

Okay, let me see if we a date for you. I have one two days from now.

That's perfect.

Good so two days from now will you see you.

Great. Thank you, bye.


After finally having an appointment date I just wanted to get all of this now all I have to do is keep this a secret from Roman.

2 days later

Today was the day that I was going to the doctor. I didn't know how to feel about all of this, I just knew that whatever happens I have to deal with the consequences.

Hey Roman. Roman where are you you? I said about to leave.

I'm in our room. I said and then went to our room.

What are you doing? I said once I found him in the bathroom.

I'm looking for something. He said.



There right in front if you.

Found them.

Okay, I have to go, but I'll be back in like twenty minutes.

Okay, love you.

Love you too. I said and then I left.

Hello my here to see Dr. Robinson. I said once I signed in.

Yes, she'll see you in a few minutes.

Okay. I said and then took a seat.

Mercedes Kaestner-Varnado. The nurse said.

That's me. I said.

Come with me. The nurse said showing me the way to my room.

This Is Your Child - Roman Reigns & Sasha BanksWhere stories live. Discover now