Chapter 19

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Roman's P.O.V

Christmas Eve

Everything's been a little weird between me and Sasha every since she said "I love you" to me and I'm just trying to figure out how I feel about it but I shouldn't be worry about that right now because today's Christmas Eve and all of us are going to spend Christmas in Tampa with my family before I go Monday Night Raw tomorrow.

Millie are you excited to see my part of the family. I said to her while we drove to the house that we're renting in Tampa.

Yeah. I'm just a little nervous.

You shouldn't be nervous they're you're family too. There awesome and they're going to love you. Joelle said.

Thanks. Millie said.

After a 30 minute car ride we finally arrived at rental house that we were staying at. The minute we came in my entire family just hugging and kissing Millie and Joelle until they couldn't breath anymore.

You must be Millie. I'm your grandma. My mom said.

Hi. You're pretty. Millie said.

Thank you. I'm pretty sure you're guys tired. You're room is upstairs third rest on the right.

Okay. Millie said and went straight to her room with Joelle and my mom walked to me. the looks of this Sasha's not here. Why?

Because she wanted to spend with her family and friends in Boston.

Oh, is there anything going on between you guys.

To be honest I have no idea. One minute we're on the next minute she hates me and doesn't want to be with me.

To be honest I never really liked her.

Well to be honest with you mom, I loved her and I still do.

Sasha's P.O.V

Hey Bayley. I said through the phone still at the airport.

Hey. You still at the airport? She said.

Yeah. I came late and now I have to want an extra hour.

That's sucks.

Yeah, very much.

So how has been your life lately?

It's been pretty crazy, such as me and Roman as usually.

Are you guys together?

No. It's just that I said that I loved him.

You're lying!

No. I said I loved him. It was the stupidest I've ever said in my whole life.

Do you want to get back together with him?

No...yes...maybe. I don't know Bayley. Maybe I want to get back together with him but what if we break up it's going to mess up everything between us again. We're at such a great place right now and I don't want to mess what we have.

Listen you need to follow your heart and if you want to be with him go for it. I know deep down you still love him in some sorta way and you need to figure out what you're going to do.

Thanks Bayley.

Anytime. Love you.

Love you too. Bye.

I have no idea what to do now I just wish none of this was happening and me and Roman didn't have a physical, weird connection but at the same time I'm glad we do.

Roman's P.O.V

2 hours later

After 2 hours at the rental house Millie and Joelle were playing all around the house and having so much.

Daddy, did you see what I just did. I just beated everyone. Millie said when she came to me.

Yeah, I saw. You did so amazing.

That's not fair. I should've won that race.

Joelle, it's just a game next time you'll win for sure.

Millie come here.

What is it?

Good job. You run just like your mom but a little bit faster and make sure you beat Jimmy and Jey. They'll cry if you beat them.

Thanks daddy. Love you. She said and then hugged me really hard.

5 hours later

After watching the movie Ferdinand I took Millie and Joelle upstairs to their room because they fell asleep at the end of the movie. Everyone went straight to sleep after the movie was over and right before I went to bed I heard someone knocking on the door over and over again.

I'm coming. Hold your horses. I said coming down the stairs.

Hi. Sasha said.

Hey. I said.

Umm...are you going to let me in?

Yeah. Um...come in.

Thanks. Where's Millie and Joelle?

There upstairs sleeping.

Did they have fun?

Yeah, lots of fun.

Thanks great.

What are you doing here Sasha?

Well, my flight to Boston was canceled because there was too much snow to fly and I really needed to see.

About what?

About us.

What about us?

Well, while I was at the airport I was talking to Bayley and we were talking about you and me. I've been thinking a lot about us and I'm probably sure you don't feel the same way but I love you Roman. I've always loved you and probably what I'm saying is probably the stupidest thing but I needed to tell you this.

I love you too Sasha.


I love you. I said then kissed her and pushed her against the wall.

Wait. Sasha said breaking up the kiss.

I don't want to wake up everyone.

Then let's go upstairs.

That sounds perfect.

We went upstairs and closed the door and then started kissing and then went on the bed and took off each other clothes and kissing each other necks and you know the rest.

Merry Christmas everyone I hope that all of you have an amazing holiday season spend time with your family. I'm going to be out of town but I'll try my best to post a new chapter by tomorrow or the day after.


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