Chapter 13

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Roman's P.O.V


Today's the day me and Galina get a divorce this is going to be hard but at the end of the end I'm doing what's right for me and Galina relationship we just don't love each other anymore she broke my heart and I'm finally finished with her. I just wished I knew she was cheating on me before but everything happens for a reason. This is probably a blessing in disguise.

Hey. Sasha said coming in.

Hi. I said.

You ready for court.

Yeah I'm just ready to get this over with.

But are you scared at all?

Yeah a little bit. I mean this is going to change everything for me and Joelle and you. I just don't know how to handle this.

Listen. Sasha said while she fixed my tie.

Everything is going to be okay. I promise. Ill be there everything step of the way.

I don't know how I would survive without you.

You wouldn't survive without me.

I love you.

I love you too. But now you need to get going now you can't be late.

I know I'll see you later okay.

Yeah. She said then I pressed my lip against hers and then went down to say goodbye to Joelle and Millie before I left.

Daddy you're leaving. Joelle said.

Yeah but I'll be back at lunch.

Okay I love you tell mommy I love her too.

I will. Bye. I said then went to court. When I got there I saw Galina.

You ready to get this thing over with? I said.

Of course.

Leati Anoa'i and Galina Becker. A women said.


We're ready for you.

Me and Galina along with our lawyers went into court.

So let's see what is going on um...divorce okay then let's start.

So who would like to start? The judge said.

Me. Galina said with her lawyer.

I would just like to say that Roman is a unfit father. Galina lawyer said.

What do you mean?

I mean that Roman cheated on Galina he said that he didn't care about her and he called her stupid and dumb multiple times.

That is not true. I shouted

Silence. You may go on. The judge said.

As I was saying Roman doesn't Care about Joelle or his wife. I rest my case.

Roman would you like to say anything.

Yes I do, but I don't have a lawyer.

You want a lawyer or do you want to do this by yourself.

By myself.

Then go.

Everything that Galina lying lawyer said is wrong everything the lawyer is what Galina said.

Do you have any proof?

Yes I do. I said then gave the judge my phone.

In my phone she texts about how much she hates me and our daughter.

This Is Your Child - Roman Reigns & Sasha BanksDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora