Chapter 11

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Sasha's P.O.V

1 week later

Its been a week later since Galina said that she was going to try to take Millie from me only if I told Roman that she's cheating on him and its hard because Roman means a lot to me and each time she says I love you to him she's lying and I just wish I could tell him but I can't but now I have to see him.

Ding Dong

Who's at the door?

Hey. Roman said.

Hi. What are you doing here? Millie not here she's at daycare. I said.

I know. I just wanted to see you.

What's wrong? Because you wouldn't here if something is wrong.

Okay, Galina been acting really weird lately and I don't know why and I need some from a woman.

So you want me yo help you with your marriage problem's.


Okay, um how is she acting weird.

She just goes out a lot she comes home and then goes straight and she's always lying to me.

You don't know if she's lying to you.

I'm pretty sure yesterday she said she was going to the store and she was there two hours.

Maybe there was slow traffic.

Nope there was fast traffic.

What do you want me to say Roman.

That I'm crazy.

You're crazy. I said.

Thanks that helpful.

You're welcome.

I think that Galina's cheating. Roman said.

I just looked at the ground thinking what I should.

She wouldn't cheat. She love you so much she would do anything for you so stop thinking that. Okay.


Good, you should get going.

I can't.


Because no one's home and I don't want go home alone.

Okay you are sure such a baby just like when we're dating.

Yeah. We had a good relationship.

Yeah we did I remember when we first met.

Yeah. We bump into each other when you were coming out of the training room.

Yeah, we had a lot good times together.

Yeah I remember everything from our relationship. You were the first person I loved.

Me too. But those days are over you're married and we just share a daughter together and that's all.

Yeah but sometimes I wish I could go back to that time and we could start over. He said as he started to lean in on me.

Me too. I said.

But we can't. I said pushing him away.

You should get going Galina is probably looking for you.

Yeah. Roman said.

I'll see tomorrow.

Me and Roman almost kissed I can't let anything happen between us again.

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