δύο | two

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Brushing his fingertips across the array of pointed weapons, Eros settled upon choosing a gold plated and embossed arrow, that featured carvings and scriptures indented in the golden metal. He tended to choose based on his target, and his upcoming victim sounded absolutely worthy of a beautiful arrow. If the princess really is as beautiful as she sounds, it would be an insult to prick her skin with anything less.

As he lifted the slim, golden shaft up to gleam under the pale glow of the moon, Eros pitied the mortal princess and felt almost ashamed in himself that he would agree to carry out his mother's ungodly demands. He sighed as he twisted the arrow between his fingers, admiring how it shone under the light of the moon. Eros almost reconsidered the task. But no, he couldn't. He couldn't pick a mortal being that he had never even laid eyes upon over his own mother. Eros snorted at this thought. Then again...

Shaking the many whims from his head, he lifted his slumped shoulders up and slid the winning arrow into the quiver strapped across his thick, solid back. Eros knew it was almost time to be on his way, for sunrise was on the move and he didn't want the princess to awaken before he completed his duties.

His heavy, golden wings trailed upon the floor as he headed for the balcony window. Using the moonlight to guide him on his journey to the portal realm, Eros set off on his mission as his striking wings lifted him into ascent.

It wasn't long before Eros has crossed over into the human world, to the island of Cyprus where he would find his latest victim.

He circled the grand royal palace while his golden wings gently flapped in the heavy warmth of the night. Eros searched for an open window he could glide through to gain entry into the palace.

White, gossamer curtains that gently rippled through an open doorway soon caught his eye and in a flash, Eros had already landed on the balcony and slipped through the soft curtains.

Even more lucky, he took featherlike steps towards the luxurious, velvet and satin draped bed to notice a feminine frame occupied it. A frame that did not bear any clothes either, to which Eros shamefully let his eyes wander over with lustful hunger. This must be the princess, as she oozed beauty and grace and Eros hasn't even seen her face yet. Silk sheets scarcely covered the woman's most intimate areas, but left little to the imagination. How unfair it was that she was to ultimately fall in love with a beast, all because of his jealous mother.

Strangely, Eros was suddenly filled with desperation to reach out and glide his fingertips along the soft, supple skin that the woman possessed, to run his hands through the mane of tresses that were splayed across her pillow. His fingers glided through the strands of hair in a soothing manner, bringing him comfort of some sort. It wasn't long before Eros was overcome with a desire to lay his eyes upon the beauty's face, so intrigued that he couldn't stop himself.

He slowly lowered himself to the ground to lean on one knee, as his towering figure became level with the sleeping princess. Slowly, he stretched out a hand to very gently slide it beneath her warm cheek that had previously been in contact with the pillow that she laid her head upon. Taking a deep breath, he prayed to the Gods that he would not awake the princess from her slumber. It was risky of him to even attempt to get so close to his target, never mind touch them. But even if he used all the strength and might in his body, he knew he couldn't fight off the urge.

The princesses head fit perfectly in the palm of his large hand, as her plump cheeks yet sharp jawline laid to rest without stirring. The feeling of her skin brushing against his was enough to send shivers all the way down his spine in delight as he longed to brush against the rest of her skin. She was like a drug, every part of her that he caressed, he wanted more. Suddenly Eros could understand why anyone could feel intoxicated with lust or crave the princesses affection. She was addictive.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2018 ⏰

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