πρόλογος | prologue

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It was a dark, late Summer's night on the island of Cyprus. Stars twinkled in the clear sky like gems while the pale glow of the moon cascaded upon the kingdom, its presence glaring rays of light through the open windows of the palace. A light breeze gently rippled through the gossamer curtains as the only sounds that could be heard inside were gentle pants and moans of agony. But at the stroke of midnight, the palace was blessed with the gentle cries of a baby girl and the noises of pain were soon turned to cheers of joy. She was swaddled in linen and placed in the loving arms of the King and Queen, who dubbed her Princess Psyche.

With sea foam green kaleidoscopic orbs and tufts of mahogany brown hair, Psyche already possessed such invincible beauty that the people of the kingdom compared her to thee Goddess Aphrodite.

As Psyche grew older, her tufts of chocolate locks turned into tresses that tumbled down her back like a waterfall and thick, inky black eyelashes framed her mesmerizing globes. Her luscious, cupid's bow lips were delectable and a perfectly straight, ski sloped nose sat in perfect symmetry with her face. She had supple skin the color of honey and possessed long, lithe legs as she grew into her womanly body, year by year. It was justifiable why people crossed the land and seas to visit the alluring princess, as she really was worthy of the title of a goddess.

However, the news and gossip about the mortal princess whom challenged her beauty soon caught up with Aphrodite, who was enraged to hear that a mere earthling had stolen her spotlight.

Every year on the princess's birthday, Aphrodite ascended from Mount Olympus to observe Psyche, who only grew more and more beautiful each year. Which in turn, caused Aphrodite to grow more and more furious as the envy seeped from every inch of her being.

The goddess couldn't bear to watch the men who once idolized her were now distracted with Psyche. For one day, Aphrodite would wreak her revenge on the princess and destroy her once and for all.

 For one day, Aphrodite would wreak her revenge on the princess and destroy her once and for all

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