12. The Demons At My Door

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    I watch as Madison walks around her whole house searching for me. I can't help but laugh. I'm sure the people walking by car think I'm a psycho, eating Taco Bell alone in my car, laughing at my phone. Whatever. I'm enjoying life and they can fuck off.

I start laughing even harder when she goes back in the house and starts picking up objects, trying to see if I put a camera in them. She even picks up a candle. Little does she know, I hacked the security cameras Jace installed. Now I get a live show of my favorite girl. Does that make me a stalker? Maybe.

I watch as she looks around, then pulls her phone from her pocket. Sure enough, a message from her makes my phone ding.

Madison: Where are you? This isn't funny.

Me: I'm in my car.

Madison: You're not watching me, are you? You made that up to piss me off.

She shakes her head, putting her phone on the counter before walking over to the fridge. She grabs the carton of orange juice and takes a drink straight from the carton. Shaking my head, I send her a message reprimanding her for drinking out of the carton instead of pouring a glass.

Me: And you used to bitch me out for drinking the orange juice straight from the carton. Look how the tables have turned.

When she picks up her phone and reads my message, her eyes go wide and she frantically starts looking around. She reverts back to picking up random objects, seeing if I somehow put a hidden camera in them.

Me: I didn't plant a hidden camera in your house.

I don't plan on telling her that I've hacked the already installed cameras. I only did it to piss Jace off, but he doesn't even know I've done it. Oh well. He's a mouse and I'm a cat. I'll get rid of him when I'm bored. I have ways.

Madison: You're not fucking funny.

I end up calling her instead of texting a reply. She answers right away, just like I expected she would.

"Kaiden, tell me where you are. This isn't funny." She snaps.

"First of all, watch your mouth. Second of all, this is quite funny." I like watching her get mad.

"No it's not! Where's the camera, huh?"

"Oh, would you look at the time. I've got to go." I say in a taunting tone before hanging up.

Before closing out the security camera app, I check the camera that's installed in their bedroom. Stupid Jace is lying in their bed, watching something on TV. He looks like a dumbass. I'd love nothing more than to punch him in the face.

I have a long drive back home from Aberdeen. I did drive all this way just to mess with Madison, so maybe it wouldn't hurt if I got a hotel room tonight and showed up tomorrow at the hospital. She does look incredible in those scrubs.

I finish up my Taco Bell before finding a good hotel nearby. After taking a shower, I find something to watch on TV. Sadly, I'm interrupted by my phone ringing.

It's Cameron. It's always Cameron who calls me. I swear he's called me like ten times today.

"Hello?" I sigh into the phone.

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