"What's black and white and red all over?" Louis asked.

"That's an old one!" Harry complained.

"ERR!" Louis immitated a buzzer. "Wrong anwer! It's a newspaper!"

Harry rolled his eyes as several girls around them giggled. "Okay," Harry spoke. "I've got one. Two peanuts went into an alley; one was asalted" he grinned.

The response was quiet. Louis scrunched his eyebrows together. "Get it? A salted?" Harry asked enthusisatically.

"Yeah, we got it, but it wasn't very funny" Louis stated in a bored tone.

Skipping over to check on Niall and Jake.....

"Let's go boys!" Jake ordered. "The faster we get up the mountain the faster we get food!"

"Yeah! Food!" Niall praised, leading a pack of middle school boys jogging past Jake. Jake started running in the back.

The group of boys ran for another ten minutes up the path before stopping so that Niall and Jake could catch their breaths. While they were trying to revive their lungs, they heard a horn honk, the rumble of an engine, and the sound of a vehicle approaching. Everyone stepped to the side of the path to let a golf cart, driven by Zayn, through. Kali was on the back of the cart, making sure any food didn't fall off. She waved to them as she passed. Zayn and Kali had been recruited to help run food and supplies up the mountain. 

"That is so not fair!" Jake protested.

"What!" Niall exclaimed. "Wait!" he yelled, jogging after the cart. "Come back! I want a ride! And some food!"

"Give up!" Jake groaned as a bunch of middle school boys laughed at Niall. "You're not going to catch them."

Niall looked back. "Yes we will! They have the food!"

"So?" Jake shrugged.

Niall stared at him in disbelief. "That means we are all going to get our lazy butts into gear and follow them at high speed. We are men! They have food! DO IT FOR THE FOOD!"

"FOR THE FOOD!" a bunch of boys cheered and began running after the golf cart. Jake and Niall laughed and followed behind.

With the last group.....

"Uh, mate?" Mitch asked. "I'm pretty sure we're lost. We've past the boulder twice already."

Liam looked at the rock that Mitch was pointing at. He groaned. Mitch was right; the boulder did look familiar. Liam looked at the map Alice had given him.

"Uh, mate?" Mitch interrupted his thoughts. Liam looked at him and saw him holding the hand of a little boy. "This guy has got to tinkle."

Liam rolled his eyes. "Are you sure you can't wait for another twenty minutes?" Liam asked the kid politely. The little boy shook his head. "Fine" Liam sighed. "Go behind a tree." The little boy nodded and ran off.

Liam and Mitch had practically been forced t olead the same group together. Paris and Tiffami had made sure that they would have to sped time together, making certain they could work out their issues. The only problem was, Liam and Mitch had been lost in the woods for about twenty minutes and Liam hated Mitch's guts even more.

"Do you really think we'll be there in the next twenty minutes?" Mitch asked.

"Yes" Liam lied.

"It's okay to admit we're lost, mate" Mitch told him.

Liam groaned. "Okay, fine. No, I don't think we'll make it there in the next twenty minutes and I am certain that I don't know where we are. And I defiantly don't want to be here because I hate you!"

"Wow, tell me how you really feel" Mitch joked, holding his heart with one hand for dramtic emphasis. "I really thought we were starting to get along."

Liam groaned. "That is a lie and you know it!"

Mitch shrugged and grinned. "Yeah, but I'm trying to lighten the mood."

"You're doing a crap job of it" Liam snapped.

"Whoa dude, calm down!" Mitch stated.

"Calm down? I'm always calm! Except for when I'm around you! Why is that? Why can I get along with everyone but you?" Liam exploded.

Mitch frowned. "Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you're jealous?"

"What could I possibly be jealous of you for?"

Mitch laughed, making Liam even more angry. "Dude! Ever since I've gotten here, you've been acting like I'm going to swoop Paris away from you at any moment. Relax! She's not my type. She's too much of a little sister. Besides, Tiffani never shuts up about the major crush you have on Paris. I would never steal a mate's girl."

Liam stared at him. "I'm serious" Mitch continued. " But I do know that as long as we're fighting, Paris is going to keep getting mad at the two of us. So I suggest we call a truce" he held out his hand. Liam stared at it. Mitch sighed. "I'm not going to take away your dang girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend yet" Liam mumbled as he shook Mitch's hand.

"Right, about that" Mitch spoke. "With Paris, all you've got to do is ask. She'll say yes, in fact she really wants too."

"How do you know?" Liam asked.

"Because she came to me the other day in tears because she's in love with you" Mitch informed. "And she didn't know what to do about it because you still thought she was mad at you. So I told her to get all the middle schoolers to dress up as your favorite Disney movie."

"That was your idea?" Liam asked.

"Yes, but Paris made it happen" Mitch insisted. "She really likes you, mate. Don't screw it up."

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