chapter 13

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"I can't believe you guys talked me into this " kenny said standing outside the cabin with the three other boys

"Look we go in search for Craig and come back out"

"If he's in there"kenny says

"Yeah if he's in there kenny" stan says walking up to the door twisting the handle slowly opening it the four boys walk in

"Where should w-we even look?" tweek asks

"Where do you think tweek?"stan asks lifting the door to the basement he covered his nose at the sudden foul smell

"Jesus it smells like something died down here"  

He turned around and looked at the three boys

"You all got your flashlights ready?"he asks

Just then the boys could hear a loud thud coming from upstairs they all looked at eachother as if asking what the hell was that.
Stan walks twords the stairs taking a peek up there trying to see if there was something up there.
He starts walking up the stairs kyle,tweek and kenny follow behind him.once upstairs they start to search the rooms trying to find the source of the noise but couldn't find anything.
Stan stuck his hands in his pocket and shrug at the boys

"Nothings up here"

"Guys" they heard tweek call out they looked at him and saw that he was holding craigs blue chullo hat

"Where did you get that from?" stan asks

"I-i found it in the roon next door"

Kenny grabs it away from tweek and starts to examine it

"Dude it's stained with blood"

"S-so something happened to him?...oh god c-craig what if he's oh no"
Tweek starts pulling at his hair

Kenny hands the hat over to stan

"So now what do you wanna do? Because right now I think it's best for us especially tweek to go home"kenny says

"Yeah I think we should go"

"B-but what about c-craig?" tweek asked

None of the boys answered him they just stood in silence until stan broke that awkward silence

"It's uh getting dark out we should get going"

He walked passed the boys heading out of the door and down the stairs Kenny followed right after

"Tweek we should get going" kyle said to the boy but he didn't get a reply

Kyle grabbed the boys arm and dragged him out of the room and they both went to join the other boys
The boys were walking through the woods leaving it was now dark out so the boys had to result to using their flashlights. Stan and kyle were walking ahead kenny behind them and tweek right behind Kenny

"So what do we do about tweek?" Kyle asked stan

"I don't know I mean he just lost Craig right now I think he's gonna need some comforting right now"

"Poor tweek" Kyle says

Pretty soon the boys Make it out of the woods stan turns around and notice that they were missing a member

"Wait a minute where's tweek?" he asked

"He was behind me not to long ago"kenny replied

"Shit"stan said

"We need to go back and look for him he couldn't of went to far"

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