6 years later

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"Kyle it's time to get ready for school."

Mrs broflovsky said as she stood up at his doorway.

"Alright mom." he answered

She smiled and closed the door. He laid in bed for a moment before getting up he took his towel and went to take a shower.

Six years he thought to himself.

It's been six years since clyde and token has been missing.

six years.

He got out of the shower and went back to his room to get dressed.

After all of that he got his things and made his way to the bus stop.

When he was finally at school kyle made his way to his locker. He saw stan leaning right beside it.

"Hey stan."

"Hey how are you feeling?"

"I'm alright."

Stan knew that the disappearances of both clyde and token hit kyle hard,but not as hard as it did tweek tweak.

He claimed to have had very violent nightmares and seeing token and clyde in his dreams eyes gouged out and everything wich always led him to wake up in cold sweats. Luckily he had craig to call everytime he had dreams like that. Craig would almost always be over the blonds house he practically lived there at this point.everywhere craig went the blond was right behind him.

After the accident craig told himself that he wouldn't ever talked to the boys again,tweek left them alone as well.

Kyle grabbed his books for class.

"Where's kenny."kyle asked

"Oh he's at home sick today."stan answered.

"And cartman?"

"He's around here. Somewhere"

Kyle closed his locker door and they both started walking to class, they sat in their seats they looked as craig walked in tweek was gripping tightly on the back of the boys jacket. Kyle could see the dark spots under the blond boys eyed he could only imagine how exhausted tweek must of been, tweek took his seat and craig sat right behind him.

"Did you know they're dating now?" stan asked

This caught kyle by surprise

"Really when did that happen?" kyle asked intrigued

"A few weeks ago I think."



"Never knew they were gay."


The late bell rung and the teacher came into the classroom the kids got quiet ready to start their day.

During lunch while kyle was walking out of the lunch line he noticed tweek sitting by himself staring around he looked uneasy.kyle didn't see any signs of craig he decided to speak to tweek. For a moment he wanted to see how tweek was doing. He made his way to tweeks table and sat his tray down, tweek jumped at this uninvited guest.

"Hey tweek." kyle said tweek nodded in response.

"I uh wanted to see how you were."

There was a long pause between them

"I-i'm not supposed to talk to you kyle." tweek said as he figited in his seat

"You're not supposed to or you don't want to?"

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