chapter 3 findings

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It was pouring down outside, Kyle was walking down the sidewalk on his way to tweeks house he had some questions and be wanted answers. He walked up to the house there were no cars in the driveway even craigs car wasn't there he was tweek even home?

Kyle made his way to the front door and knocked on it he waited before knocking again. Suddenly the door opened revealing a scared blond

"Kyle what do you want?"

"To talk"

"I-I can't talk to you Kyle! "

Tweek tried to close the door but Kyle stick his foot in blocking the way.

Tweek stepped back shocked and scared while Kyle opened the door and stepped in.

"I need to speak with you."

"Go away kyle!"

"Tweek please just let me talk then I'll go."

"Whatever it is I don't want to hear it"


Tweek pulled out his phone getting ready to call craig

"It's about your dreams tweek!" Kyle blurted out

"W- what about them? "

"You say you see Clyde and token in them, that you have nightmares about them?"

"S- so it's just bad dreams"

"Tweek I've been getting those dreams too"

Tweek eyes widened

"I see them, both of them. Tweek it's not just bad dreams, these dreams are trying to tell us something "

Tweek stared at Kyle trying to wrap his mind around what Kyle was telling him

"N- no they're just dreams Craig told me!"

"And you're just gonna believe everything craig tells you?"

"Tweek please I want to find out what happened to our friends and I know that you want to know too"

"No Kyle i- I don't, I just want you to go away. "

"Tweek"he started dialing the numbers on his phone and called craig

"Tweek" Kyle walked up to tweek without any thought and threw the boys phone on the ground tweek threw his arms in front of his face in fear that Kyle was gonna hit him

"Can't you stop being paranoid for one fucking second tweek" Kyle spat out

Tweek had the look of terror in his eyes his whole body was trembling

In fear Kyle calmed down and realized what he had just done

"Jesus I'm sorry tweek"

Kyle backed away from the boy who was frozen in place

"I didn't mean to I swear."

Kyle quickly got out of there closing the door behind him . Tweek fell down tears pouring down his cheeks like a waterfall he picked up his phone trying to call craig but his phone was to badly damaged.

Kyle sat up under the gazebo in the park he was stressed out and tired he laid his head back and closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep he had the same nightmare but this time instead of seeing Clyde or token he saw a little girl motioning for Kyle to follow her so he did she followed her into an all to familiar pink room the room him and Stan stood in when they first entered the cabin

"Kyle wanna play?"the little ghost girl giggled

He heard the door slam behind him which made him jump he turned around and saw both Clyde and token standing near the exit

The little girl giggled

"Don't be afraid"

There were bangings heard on the other side of the door Kyle could hear the little girl behind him gasp

He's coming" the little girl whispered as she backed away into the corner

"Whose he?"just then the door swung opened and Kyle jolted up out of his dream it was now night still pouring out

"How long was I out?"he whispered to himself

His phone started ringing making him jump a little he saw that It was Stan calling he answered


"Kyle what the fuck did you do to tweek?!"

"Nothing i..."

"BULL.FUCKING.SHIT kyle don't lie to me craig just called me pissed as hell saying that you broke tweeks phone!"

"It was an accident!"

"So you seriously did go over to tweeks house after I told you to leave them alone?"

"Stan I needed to ask him something."

"About what?"

"Look I can't talk about it right now okay."

"Why the fuck not Kyle?!"

"I'll call you when I get home."

"You're not at home? It's dude its late plus there's a storm out where are you?"

"I said I'll call when I get home."

"Kyle where the fuck are y.." Kyle hung up the phone and turned it off because he knew Stan would be calling him back

he wasn't going home right away he still had something he needed to do he made his way to the abandoned cabin it was just as creepy as he remembered the loud thunder only made him even more terrified to be here alone he walked up to the creaky door and opened it shining his flashlight around he walked in and closed the door behind him. His heart raced as he came closer and closer to the small door on the floor he lifted it up and was welcomed by a cold breeze

He stepped down and walked down the hallway every fiber of his being was screaming for him to run back and leave but he somehow chose to ignore it he made his way to that familiar room he looked around the room it seemed like any little girl room but for some reason this room felt different, something was off and that's when he found it there was red bloodstains on the carpet leading to a toy chest Kyle moved the chest out of the way revealing to floor shackles

Someone was locked up here.

Kyle started hearing scraping sounds coming from down the hall. they came closer and closer to him before they stopped.that was his cue that he needed to get out of there he walked out into the darkness hoping and praying that no one was gonna take him he ran up and out of the cabin and started walking down the dark woods with his flashlight

He felt two hands wrap around him And pulling him to the side terrified he let out a loud scream the unknown person let him go he turned around and got a better look at his kidnapper


"Yeah it's fucking Me!"

"What are you doing here?"

"I was looking for you what the hell Are you doing here?

"I was looking for something"

"For what?"

"Does it matter?"

"Hell yeah it matters you had me worried dude!"

"Look I'm sorry stan."

Stan rolled his eyes at the red head

"Whatever dude let's just get out of here fast."

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