Chapter six ► India.

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India's POV.

"I'm home!" I shouted, kicking my shoes off and chucking my bag on the floor by the door.

I got no answer. Typical, they're still at work.

I walked into the kitchen and sat on the stool by the counter. I unlocked my phone and stared at Calum's number, debating whether to bother him. I bit my lip and let my thumb hover over the contact.

"Do I or don't I?" I pondered.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair as I pressed on his name and put the phone to my ear, hearing it start to ring.

"Please pick up." I mumbled.

After a few more seconds I heard a clearing of a throat. "Hello?"

I smiled. "Hey, it's India."

He laughed, making my heart melt. "I know, I have your number saved."

I laughed and scratched the back of my neck. "Are you busy?"

"No. Did you want to do something?"

I grinned, biting my lip. "Show me your favourite place?" I asked.

I could hear the smile in his voice. "Text me your address."

* * * 

We walked around, picking at a few penny sweets we had bought.

"I like the fact that we had to buy sweets for the journey." I laughed.

He grinned. "Well nothing beats a few penny sweets."

I smiled and looked around in my paper bag. "Do you like liquorice?" I asked.

He made a face. "No."

"Me either, I don't know why I chucked them in there." I laughed.

"Okay so where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see." He smirked.

I laughed. "Oh the anticipation."

He grinned, chewing on a sour cherry sweet. "Jesus these are sour."

"Oh really?" I asked sarcastically.

"Okay no need for sarcasm." He said holding his hands up making me laugh.

He laughed. "Okay my favourite place is like a few minutes away from here," He crossed the road and stopped in front of an entrance to a subway. "Are you coming?" He called over to me.

I smiled and ran across the road. We walked under the subway and the other entrance lead us to a field. 

"A field?" I asked.

He looked at me. "Hey you can't talk!" 

I laughed. "My field was prettier that this one!"

He gasped, "Don't make my field feel self-conscious you heartless girl."

I rolled my eyes. "Just show me your damn place." I said hitting his arm.

He grabbed my hand, entwining our fingers as he quickened the pace to get to it quicker. "This is a weeping tree," He showed me as we reached it. We walked through the weeping branches and looked around at the enclosed space although we were very much out in the open. "This is my favourite place." He mumbled, looking around.

I smiled. "I can see why."

"Depending on how strong the branches are, you can make swings which don't swing much but it's nice to sit on them." He laughed.

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