Chapter three ► fearful or fearless // part two.

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I exhaled, holding the phone in one hand and the piece of paper with India's number in the other.

"Okay Cal, you can do this." I muttered to myself.

I unlocked my phone and went to type the digits in but I stopped. "Okay no, I can't do this."

I heard the clearing of a throat and looked up to see my sister. "Having girl trouble?"

My eyebrows creased. "How did you know?"

She smirked, standing up straight. "Sisters instinct," She walked over and sat next to me on the bed. "Come on, whats on your mind?"

"There's nothing on my mind." I said.

She sighed. "Okay, let's try again. What's stopping you?"

"My mouth."

She laughed through her nose, "Verbal diarrhea?"

I sighed, "More like verbal constipation."

"Are you seriously telling me that the only readon you're scared of calling her is because you think you'll have nothing to talk about?"

I nod, pursing my lips together. 

"Well you, my dear brother, are stupid. Stop being a wuss and call her."

I rolled my eyes, "Gee thanks Mal. Without your lovely advice I don't know where I'd be."

"Probably in an apartment, beer belly, stubble and surrounded by a dozen cats," She stood up and walked towards my door before turning around. "Call her or you'll regret it." She said before leaving the room.

I sighed, opening my hand and looking down at the neatly written set of numbers. 

I looked up at where my sister had been previously standing before picking up my phone from beside me.

I swiped to unlock and began shakily pressing the digits. After pressing the final digit I held the phone up to my ear.

Out of habit my leg began shaking as I could hear the rings on the other end.

"Please pick up." I whispered so faintly that even I couldn't hear myself very well.

My eyes closed as the fourth ring proceeded.

Just as I was about to pull the phone away I heard the voice of India. With only one word my heart was no longer able to pump the blood around my body.

I froze.


I blinked before smiling slightly. "Hey."

"Took you long enough." She said, smile evident in her voice.

Hey. I know it's relatively short but it's only a part two of chapter two so yeah haha.

Thank you so much for all the votes too! Are you liking the story? Comment! :)

+ this is unedited. xo

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