Hello 2 years later...

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Uh, hi everyone, for those old readers who have this story at the bottom of their Wattpad library, don't hate me.

I have about 832 reasons why I haven't actually updated in give or take, 2 years.

1) Last year I was finishing my first year of college therefore Wattpad was set aside, and yes I know that makes me quite a crappy person. Writing is an ultimate passion of mine, as well as this account I have another called 'slimgun' which I have a Harry fanfic on there and another account with the username 'blackticker' which is general teen fiction. As well as finishing my first year of college I moved house (I know, not much of an excuse but hear me out) I moved from England to Wales, they're about 2 hours away from each other so not only did I move from somewhere I knew very well but I left a lot of friends and stuff behind so basically I'm still sustaining to life here.

2) I may or may not have forgotten about this account, I mean I put Wattpad off for a good while so I wasn't updating any stories and have only recently got back into writing again as I'm in a much better place now, but I did forget about this story and the other day I reread this story and was really gutted about how well it was doing but I hadn't bothered to update.

Okay, I know that was only 2 reasons but I mean I could give you 832, but we'd be here until Christmas. 

Speaking of Christmas, I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New year (I know it's May but better late than never right?)

When I started this story I was 15/16, I'm now 18 and with the support of my readers, I'd very much like to finish this story.

For those of you who read this and still decide to carry on reading, thank you.

Feel free to follow, add the story to your lists, comment and vote, and message me for a general chat if you'd like.

Love you xo


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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2016 ⏰

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