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Day 14.

Hope you enjoyed our little gifts! Happy Holidays!

Axel's  Christmas Decorations by bekabooks98 

Axel: Hey, I need y'alls help with something.

Marc: What's up?

Raven: I'm in.

Brandon: ^ What he said.

Corey: I'm game.

I smile at their responses. They have no idea what I'm about to ask them to do.

Axel: So I'm going to decorate the aquarium for Christmas... After hours.

I'm anxiously waiting to see what they text back.

Corey: I can divert security and program lights and music, but I need Victor's help.

Marc: Why don't we bring the Blackbourne team in to help with this? Luke would loveit.

Raven: Is it legal?

Brandon: Since when do you care if it's legal?

I'm chuckling at my team.

Axel: Let me call Owen and see if they are available.

I ignore their messages as I dial Owen.



"How can I help you Mr. Toma?" Leave it to Owen to be stiffly formal.

"Have you been hanging around Luke lately Owen?"

"I just had to deal with an incident involving Mr. Taylor Sr and a candy store." I choke back a laugh imagining what could have happened.

"I was wondering if you and your team could come help my team with a family project."

"May I ask what the project is before I say yes?"

"I'd rather not say, but trust me when I say you will all have fun."

"Very well. I trust your judgement. When and where do you need us?" I'm grinning like a mad fool.

"Meet at the aquarium tomorrow night at 8pm."

"We'll be there. Good night Mr. Toma."

We hang up and I open my text message app.

Axel: Family meeting ASAP. We have some planning to do.

It takes Raven and Marc all of two seconds to appear in the living room, Raven flipping over the back of the couch. About a minute later Corey and Brandon appear, a laptop in Corey's hands. They sit down and we get to work planning our decorating spree, ordering pizza halfway through. Tomorrow is going to be so much fun!

*Time Skip*

"So what are we doing at the aquarium after hours," Luke asks with a mischievous grin.

"Well my dear prankster we are going to decorate the entire place for Christmas. We even have plans for an upside down Christmas tree," I answer, slinging an arm over his shoulder and guiding him toward the trailer full of supplies.

"I'm so in. Now where do we start?"

Within two hours the fifteen of us have the place totally taken over by Christmas. Corey and Vicor knocked out the cameras and set the music and Tvs to Christmas music and movies. Luke and Sang put blow up Christmas themed pool toys in with the dolphins, whales, and sea lions. The animals are having a blast with them. North, Raven, Silas, and Brandon constructed like twenty Christmas trees, including a huge upside down one in the main lobby. Sean and Owen wrapped all of the doors with wrapping paper. Kota, Gabriel, Marc, and Nathan went around hanging garland, mistletoe, and random ornaments everywhere. I thought I saw a glimpse of a dark haired girl wearing a princess dress sprinkling glitter, but when I blinked she was gone. I was all over the place helping everyone. We had so much fun.

"Hey man thanks for inviting us. This was a fun family outing." I smile at Nahan with a sleepy Sang tucked under his arm.

"Anytime. Make sure you bring your bird by more often. She's a blast to have around. She's almost worse than Luke."

"Will do." I watch as the Blackbourne team drives off before I climb into my Jeep where Marc is waiting.

"Tonight was fun." I smile at him.

"It was." I start the Jeep and drive home.

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