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Day 2.

Victor's Determination  by  JalizaBurwell 

The notes from the piano echoed around the music room as I played. Nothing about this was easy. I had come up with the composition, mixing in a little Vivaldi with other classical artists I knew Sang enjoyed.

I wanted to get this right for her. I wanted to give her something more than just an expensive piece of jewelry. All I was good for was playing the piano and spending money.

When I messed up again on the piece, in the part I had the most difficulty, I stopped and sighed, leaning back and relaxing my body. My fingers ached, having spent hours in here trying to finish putting this together.

Christmas was just around the corner and I wanted to do this for Sang. She made me fall in love with the piano again. I had been pushed into it for so long that it becoming my job had dampened my love for it. But Sang, she didn't care that my last name was Morgan or that I was a prodigy. She just loved that I could create a beautiful sound from the piano and bring her to tears.

This was for her. Not for the people who dressed in fancy clothes and wore too much perfume. This wasn't going to be performed on a stage in front of the thousands of people who wanted to feel important.

My phone buzzed and I picked it up

Kota: You need to eat.

Victor: I will.

Kota: North is coming over to make sure.

I rolled my eyes. Of course he was. I guess it was better than him sending over Sean. No doubt North was already on his way here, only a few minutes out. I wanted to get in another round so I shifted until I was comfortable, fixing my poster, and then stared at the music sheets, the notes dancing all over the page in both fast and slow tempos.

I hit the first note, the sound soft in the air, a slow start to a long but powerful journey. I hit the next note soon afterward and then pick up speed, going fast and then I slow down, but the notes were powerful, echoing not just around the room, but inside of me. I closed my eyes, the very notes I put together etched into my brain. I allowed my body to just feel the music.

This was a part of me, who I was, and I was going to share it with Sang. I wanted her to know she had me, all of me.

So I played and played hard, my fingers dancing across the keys hitting all the right notes. I kept her image in my mind as I sped up the tempo, her beautiful face popping up, the way her lips tilted up into an amused smile, the way her green eyes watched every little movement around her, taking it all in.

My fingers flew just as fast as she made my heart beat when she held my hand, or laughed, or just listened, understanding far more than anyone else.

For too long, we only ever went through the motions. We got used to how our life became and just did what was expected rather than what we should have. Then we met Sang and she turned our life upside down, made us question everything, made us want to go above and beyond. No longer did we do things in hopes of favors, but because we wanted to make Sang happy.

She renewed all our interests and I wanted to prove that to her. She thought she was a burden, she thought she held us back, but it was the opposite. She became the center of our world and this song was for her, to prove to her that we were better because of her, not worse. That if we had to, we would give up all our favors just to see her smile. She deserved life, she deserved happiness, and this song encompassed our wishes for her.

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