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Day 5.

Gabriel's Christmas Job by bekabooks98

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and pull it out to see a text from Kota.

Kota: I've got a job for you.

Gabriel: Fuck yeah! When is it? Send me the details.

Kota: The Christmas store downtown is having an issue with inventory going missing. They need someone to go undercover. The only position they have available is as an ornament penner.

Gabriel: When do I start? This is gonna be fun!

Kota: First shift is tomorrow at 1pm.

Gabriel: I'll be there.

I'm smiling like an idiot. Now I know what to get everyone for Christmas.

*24 hour time jump*

I climb off my moped, pulling off my helmet. I run a hand through my hair to fix it. I gaze around at the decorations surrounding the store. It's a bit much, but they make it work. I walk inside and my senses are overwhelmed by Christmas. There are light everywhere, and music, and ornaments, and I can smell cinnamon and pine.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" I turn to find a petite girl with chameleon hair and big green eyes.

"Yes, today is my first day. Can you show me where I need to go?"

"Ah yes! You must be the new Penner. You'll be working right down this way." She starts walking and I follow, checking out her ass in that tight skirt. Man this girl has style.

She shows me my work station, where all the supplies I'll need are, and a copy of the font I'll be using.

"Thank you for your help."

"No problem. I'm up front if you need anything."

She heads back to work and I set up my station, finding some practice ornaments to use. I practice the font and find it really simple

I get a few customers throughout the day, but it's pretty slow. I do get a chance to go snooping but I don't find anything out of the ordinary. There's not very many people working here. I head home at the end of my shift and call Kota to check in.

"How did you enjoy it?"

"It was fun."

"Is it something you would want to do everyday?"

"Minus the fucking obnoxious music and goddamn lights." I throw my keys on the counter and grab a bottle of water out of the fridge.

"Well that's perfect. See your mission today isn't what you thought it was."

"What do you fucking mean?"

"Well you see, we wanted to see how you liked ornament personalization because we may have a huge stack of ornaments that need to be personalized."

"Well why the fuck didn't you just ask?"

"Luke said it would be more fun this way and Doc agreed. I had no choice."

"Well they can do their own fucking ornaments. If they want my help they should just fucking ask." I hang up and drop my phone on the coffee table. I go to my studio and turn on some Elvis and start painting. A while later I hear the door open and know it's Luke. I ignore him and keep painting. He sits and watches, not saying a word. I eventually crack and turn to him.

"I'm sorry."

"You fucking better be sorry. I still have fucking Christmas music stuck in my head. A guy can only take so much of Frosty the Fucking Snowman!"

"We just thought it would be fun for a day." I feel my anger dissipating. I can't stay mad at the fucker no matter how hard I try.

"I understand. It was a lot of fun. Now where are those fucking ornaments you want me to write on?" He pulls a bag out from behind his back and I punch him in the bicep for knowing me so well.

"We good?" he asks.

"We're fucking amazing!" I pick up my phone and order pizza and we grab the ice cream out of the freezer. Christmas is going to be great.

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