10 sarcasm part 2

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Your pov

Once Harry was out of sight I slid down the wall and started sobbing quietly.

Wait a minute what the hell is happening?! Harry has said much worse to me, why is this affecting me? Oh god, I think im dying! Wait no I'm not, I've heard of this. It's feelings. Oh I'm gonna be sick.

Harry pov

Why do I feel bad? But like, not in a good way. It's almost as if I didn't mean to say all those things to (y/n), But I've also said worse to her. I suppose I should go see if she's ok.

I mean if she didn't bother me all the time I might actually like her. And I will probably never tell her this but I think she's beautiful. Her long curly brown hair with her bright green eyes look so damn cute.

I walked back to where I left (y/n) and saw her with her head in her knees asleep. "Of course shes sleeping. Why wouldn't she be?" I mumbled to myself as I picked her up and brought her to my house.

The next day I woke up and saw (y/n) still sleeping in my bed. I gently shook her "hey, wake up" I said as she groaned at me. It took her about two seconds to realize that it was me trying to wake her up, she shot up real fast.

"Hi" I said simply. "Where the hell am I? Why am i here? How did I get here?" She asked slightly alarmed. "Well if you would stop yammerin I'll tell you" I said with a light chuckle.

(Y/n) shut up and waited for me to explain "i wanted to see if you were ok. So I went back and you had cried yourself to sleep so i picked you up and brought you to my house" i waited for her to respond or yell at me, but it never happened.

Instead, she hugged me. I hesitantly put my arms around her but soon relaxed when she didn't flinch or move. "Thank you Harry" she mumbled into my chest. I smiled to myself "Why are you thanking me?" I pried jokingly.

(Y/n) giggled and lightly hit my chest "because, look where we live. Literally anyone or anything could have brought me anywhere" she said quietly. She let go and looked at me "we don't really live in the nicest place in the world, do we?" I asked with a chuckle.

(Y/n) laughed along with me "we really don't. You would think I would know by now not to just nap in an alleyway" she said tucking some hair behind her ear.

I took a second to admire her face "you would think. But it's ok cause I found you" I said being overly cocky, as a joke of course. I sighed "you did, and I thank you for that Har," she said leaning on me. I chuckled "Wow, not even a hint of sarcasm, are you feeling ok lass?" I asked causing (y/n) to smile "I'm feeling fine Harry" she said fiddling with one of the many rings she wore.

"I mean as fine as I can be" she said with a giggle, I had never heard her giggle before. The only laughs around here are evil cackles, her giggle was refreshing and music to my ears. "You just  gonna stare at me all day?" (Y/n) asked confused. I smirked and shook my head, "now why would I want to do that?" I asked sarcastically.

I saw the smirk on her face grow and an evil little sparkle appeared in her eyes "Oh please you love my face" she has a point I do enjoy her face. " your face is pretty cute but the rest of you is the problem" I said wickedly. "Get real Har, you think i don't see you checking me out all the time?" (Y/n) smirked as my face got red "and I've struck a nerve" she said with an evil laugh.

Instead of saying anything I pulled her into a rough kiss that she was not expecting. It didn't take her long to kiss back, her lips were soft against my chapped ones. (Y/n) pulled away and stared at me "You think a kiss is gonna stop me from annoying you?" She asked sarcastically. I shook my head and "ruin the moment why don't You?" I jokingly asked causing us to both laugh. 

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