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                                                                                           Your Pov

Harry Hook. that damn pirate makes me weak in the knees, and there ain't nothin i can do about it. and Harry knew it too, he knew damn well that he was my weakness and he very muchly enjoyed this about me. he knew that i would do almost anything for him. yes i'm aware that its sad you don't need to tell me. and i hate it. i haaaaaate that he has this power over me. so naturally i decided to stop going to Ursula's fish and chips and just avoid him at all costs. i mean i'm frollo's daughter there is no way i am letting Harry Hook make me a weak little girl. no thank you.

since today i wasn't doing anything i decided to go visit Dizzy. "hey dizzy" i said walking into her little shop "(y/n)!" she yelled running at me "how are you" i said hugging her tightly "kinda tired but other then that im good" she said with a little giggle. "fork up the money ya runt" a thick accent said from the door, i spun around to be met face to face with the one and only Harry Hook. "hiya love" he said with a grin to which i responded with a harsh glare since he was taking money Dizzy worked hard to earn.

As harry was leaving i looked at dizzy and handed her the money back "how did you?" she asked amazed. i smirked "i'm sneaky" i said as i helped her hide it because we both knew he would be back for it. after we hid it i started walking home. i was going to take my usual shortcut but Harry was there so i ran real fast the other way. once i got home father was sat in his chair looming in the darkness "did i hear right? you helped someone?" he asked standing up "who told you that?" i asked never breaking eye contact with him "your boyfriend stopped by looking for you" he said now right in front of me. i looked up "i don't have a boyfriend" i stated truthfully, dad only glared down at me "you don't have to lie to me (y/n). Harry told me about you two" wait Harry?! "Harry Hook?" i asked. father nodded and grabbed my arm hard "now, did. you. help. someone" with every word his grip got tighter. "the thought of helping people makes me want to barf" i said with an evil laugh. dad let go of my arm as someone knocked on our door.

i opened it to be faced with a very mad Harry "can i speak to you outside love" he said more as a statement as he pulled me outside grabbing my arm where father had just bruised it "Harry let go" i said yanking my arm out of his grip. he slammed me into the wall "what'd ya do with my money" he said moving my hair with his hook "i didn't do anything with it but nice try Harry" i said avoiding his gaze.

                                                                                             Harry's pov

(y/n) has been avoiding me all day and i for one, am sick of it. "you've been avoiding me. wanna tell me why princess?" i asked trying to look into her eyes but she kept moving away. i sighed in frustration "you didn't think i wouldn't notice did you?" i asked as she stayed silent. i caught a quick look in (y/n)'s eyes and saw slight fear, something i never wanted to see in her eyes again. i softened immediately and stroked (y/n)'s cheek "c'mon talk to me princess" she swatted my hand away "not a princess Hook" she mumbled trying to hide her cute little smile "saw that" i said with a smirk. "don't care" she said ducking out from under me, she sat on the ground "was there at least a reason you avoided me today?" i asked wanting answers. (y/n) sighed and finally looked at me. i sat next to her and pulled her into my side "there was a reason" she said resting her head on my shoulder. i stayed quiet as she continued "you're my weakness Har. and you know it too. and i didn't want to seem weak" by now tears were falling from her beautiful face "can i tell you a secret?" i asked wiping her tear stained cheeks "i guess" (y/n) sniffled "you just happen to be my weakness too"

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