✩OC Information Update✩

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Last name: __________
Date of Birth: __________
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Hair color: Black
Hair style: Pixie cut with long bangs that covers her left eye
Eyes: Right eye is dark grey, Left eye is covered by hair and eyepatch
Other in appearance: Scar across the bridge of her nose, three earlobe piercings on each ear and two helix piercings on her right ear.
Species/Race: Human (Japanese)
Love interest: __________
Weapons: A dagger, gun, and two black and purple mechanical looking swords that can form into a bow.

She was born in space. She's never been to earth. At 15, she was abducted, along with her mom and her best friend, Kai while they went to go get supplies. She has been in galra captivity for three years.

Mom: (name unknown)
Dad: (name unknown)

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