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Narrator's POV

"Everyone come to the green lion hangar! Pidge managed to remove the device." Allure said through the castle's intercom to inform the rest of the paladins about Pidge's development. Keith and Shiro had just left the training deck when they heard the announcement, and they made their way to the medical bay. They got there as the same time as Lance and Hunk, who were in the kitchen when they heard the announcement.

"You managed to remove the device?" Hunk asked.

"Yeah, I managed to take it off without causing her harm. Now we just need her to wake up." Pidge said.

"I suggest we move her to one of the castle's prison cells. It's safer that way." Allura suggested. The rest of the team agrees, and Hunk and Keith carry the Warrior out of the hangar and to a cell.

"After I removed the device from the Warrior, I started to tinker with it. I found out it's a tracker and a shocker. Luckily, it disabled when it was removed from her, so we don't have to worry about any galra ship showing up and attacking." Pidge said after Hunk and Keith came back. He picks up the device from the ground. "You see these?" He pointed at the little needles sticking out of the device, "these needles pierced into her skin and with the dark energy in the device, it could cause her enormous amount of pain, to the point where it make her lose consciousness, and maybe even have the amount of energy to kill her."

"I can't imagine how terrible that must of feel. Any wrong move, and the galra having the ability to kill her with just a small device." Hunk said as he walked up to Pidge's computer to see if he found anything else. "Do you have anything else?" He asked.

"No, just that. And Coran didn't check for anything else in the short time she was in the pod. We can find out more when she's awake, get some information out of her. But," Pidge grabbed the Warrior's weapons that she was carrying with her. "I am interested in her weapon. Her swords are incredible! Amazing craftsmanship, and I love how it's a two in one! Two swords forming into a bow." Pidge ranted on about the weapons. "And her arrows are another thing. She has a couple different type of arrows. One set of arrows are explosive, the ones she used on us. The second set send electric currents when they hit their target. They don't seem to be meant to pierce through someone or something. I think they just send the electric shock when it came in contact with their target. And the last set of arrows just seem to look like normal arrows. She was also carrying a gun and a dagger, which isn't as interesting."

"Wow, that's pretty cool!" Hunk said excitedly.

Keith picked up one of the swords and examined it."I wonder where she got these. I mean, we haven't seen any other galra with weapons similar to this, so where did she get these from?" He said.

"Maybe they were especially made for her." Lance said.

"Yeah, maybe." Keith place the swords back down and picked up the knife. He examined it closely. He soon realized that the knife look almost similar to his, only difference is that it had no other detail beside the black handle and that it was a double edge blade, but other than that,the blade almost looked like his in shape. He also noticed that on the edge of the blade, there was something engraved into it. He could not read it because it was in galra language, but didn't pay much attention to it and placed the knife down.

"Well I suggest all of you go and relax, you all did good out there today. We will gather everyone when the award wakes up." Everyone nodded and obeyed to Shiro's instructions. They all left to do their own thing, except for Pidge, who stayed to work on other things.


She slowly opened her eyes. Seeing dim blue light covering every surface of where she was. She tried to get up only to get a headache when she tried. She hissed at the pain that shot through her head.

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