America has officially lost it

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Author's note- hey guys sorry the first chapter was so short, its because i had french and the teacher came so now here's chapter 2 ENJOY :3.

Chapter 2

America's pov

I took up the the slut to my room, and we had some nice sex.... but it wasn't great, like how it would be with England. ....WTF what am i saying i don't like England like that... or do i?

NO I DON'T... but then why am i thinking all these dirty thoughts and things to do to him.. Am i falling for England?

Cassie's pov

That sex was great, but Alfred looked a little down, so i decided to ask him if another round of sex would make him feel better. "Alfred, your looking a little down, would another round of sex help cheer you up?"

America's pov

" Alfred, your looking a little down, would another round of sex help cheer you up?" That was all i heard and then i lost it! " BITCH! YOUR A LITTLE SLUT THAT LOOKS FOR TOO MUCH SEX, YOU SHOULD BE SOLD AS A SEX SLAVE IF YOU WANT SO MUCH SEX, SEX ISN'T THE ANSWER FOR EVERYTHING YOU WHORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She looked shocked but i didn't care at the moment.

England's pov

I could her them from all the way downstairs, i was disgusted. I have a feeling that the whole neighbourhood heard them having.... you know what i mean. But then i heard silence, all i could hear was muffled voices... the silence didn't last long though, i just started hearing america yelling at the girl, but i listened for half of it an then started wondering *what was america thinking about, oh well i'll just ask him later*

Hetalia- yaoi America x englandOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant