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England's pov

Well its time for bed. i just face dived into the bed and fell asleep as soon as i hit the pillow.

(The next day)

England's pov

I woke up at 7:30, and went to check if America was awake. He wasn't, and i have a feeling he is going to have a nasty hangover from last night. ggrrreeeeaaattt

(plz note my sarcasm)

So i went and got some painkillers for him and a glass of water. i put it on his table and went to make me some tea! :) i love tea

America's pov

Oh fuck... i have a fricken nasty hangover,i am never going to drink again. i need painkiller! when i turned to my bedside table to get my glasses, i saw a note and a bottle of painkillers, with a cup of water. the note said: ' here is some painkillers and glass of water.' i smiled, he is the most caring person ever.

England's pov

Today i am going to tell him how i feel.

America's pov

Today is definitely the day i tell England how i feel :3


'America?' 'England?' we started to laugh, ' i gotta tell u something.' 'Yea well what is it America?'

'Well.. ilikeyouengland'

He smiled, 'i like u too.'

Hetalia- yaoi America x englandWhere stories live. Discover now