Chapter Seven - The feelings are returned

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Milly: Hey! Iris and Caitlyn are back :D xox

Milly: Can u call me or Gracie when ur done?

Milly: Oh, or Tania.. she's here too..

Milly: Okay, dude orchestra ended 15 mins ago.. WHERE RU?!


Milly: ......

Milly: .........

Milly: .............

Milly: .................

Milly: Answer!!!!!

Milly: I'm calling again!

Milly: okau im lesving you alone

Milly: sorry okay*** leaving**

Me: OMG milly sorry ! i'm on my way!!!

I raced up the seeminly endless flights of stairs in order to reach my destination. I got to door number 514 and knocked twice because I had forgotten my keys. I expected to be greated by an overly excited and energetic Milly, but instead who stood in her place was a beautiful yet serious looking girl with long curly red hair, shimering green eyes with thick black lashes, and if that was enough, she had flawless pale skin to top it all off. She was without a doubt beautiful. "Hey, I'm Cassie, are you Caitlyn?" I said smiling at her. In return she gave me a somewhat friendly smirk as she eyed me up and down. Finally she said, "No, I'm Iris, Caitlyn's over there." and geustered to the girl sitting on the bed.

I just laughed it off. "Sorry, Iris! Hey, Caitlyn!" I said, waving to the other girl. She was pretty as well, but not half as stunning as Iris. Caitlyn gave me that same meaningless smirk. Breaking the awkward silence I asked, "Umm, so where's Tania, Milly and Gracie?" 

"Oh, they went looking for ya! It was Milly's idea, God that girl never calms down, so don't expect it!" Caitlyn said as serious as ever. I smiled and gave a little laugh. 

"Gracie, prefers being called Grace!" Iris snapped at me. Caitlyn looked at her almost offended.

"Iris, Gracie hasn't been called 'Grace' since what... 5th grade?" 

"Hmm, I don't know, but if my name were Gra Ice and people just assumed I wanted to be called Gracie, I would be a bit pissed off, wouldn't you Catie!" sneered Iris.

"Okay, okay!" Caitlyn said submitting to her, "anyway I head you did orchestra?" 

"Yeah, and orchestra's only an hour, my friend Brittney does it, what took you so long?" Iris asked. I decided that I didn't have the courage to lie to her, so I came out with the truth. It  wasn't like it was anything bad, I'd just leave out the bit where I sucked his face off.

"Oh, well I had some practice time after with a teacher."

"Who?" she asked immeadiately. I think she knew the answer, she just wanted to hear me say it for myself. 

"Mr. Todd." I said abruptly, and as I said that her come-backs slowed down and the atmosphere grew still. Iris sat down and stared right into my eyes. Although, at the moment, she was at a lower level than me, she still felt over-powering. 

"Ohh la-la!" she cooed. "Someone's luck! He's a great teacher you know!" 

My eyes popped, hopefully it wasn't too noticable. I changed my look of surprise into a look of confusion. He's a great teacher you know. What the hell was that meant to mean? He's a great teacher you know! I couldn't stop repeating it in my mind. Before I had time to confront her, the others came bursting in, rambling on about how they were unable to find me. As soon as Milly saw me she cheered. 

"Cassie! Oh my god! We were looking for you everywhere! We sorta got unpatient!" 

"By that, she means she got unpatient, I knew you were gonna come, like, as soon as we left!" Tania admitted as she hugged me. Gracie and Milly followed after her. "Anyway, I hope all you guys are free this weekend, my mom is taking us out to dinner at the sushi place, don't worry my mom is paying."

"Yeah, we're all free," Iris assumed. Although I was free, I didn't feel she was in the place to speak for me, for all of us in fact! "So should it be... dinner for seven.. at seven? Sounds perfect to me!" Iris said.

Everyone glanced at Tania, seeing what her response would be. We heard her give a frustrated grunt, "Err, well my mom is gonna be there at 5:30, so, what, in a hour? So, no, seven isn't okay!" Tania said poletly holding back any anger. Iris hardly paid attention that comment and continued her arguement.

"Ever heard of fashionably late?"

"Yeah, I have actually, but showing up an hour and a half later than expected is just being an attention whore if you ask me!"

"Well who was asking you!" Iris said raising her voice above Tania's.

"Iris I'm about to -" Tania warned. But Iris interrupted.

"Listen, seven, or nothing!" 

"Like the world revolves around you!"

"Who's to say it doesnt?"

"Ask your science teacher, she'll know!" The girls had managed to grasp everyone's attention by the time they had finished their arguement. Iris remained calm, where on the other hand, Tania looked as if she was going to go Texas Chainsaw Masacre on all of us! 

"Well, I'm sure-" Iris began/

"Shut the fuck up, Iris!" Gracis shouted.

"Hey look! I've got myself a -" Tania began.

"You too! Listen, you guys are friends, act like it. Iris don't be a little bitch about coming! Tania, you should know by now to ignore her when she gets like that! Now that that's settled, since dinner is at 5:30, we don't have that lonh! Hurry up!" Everyone listened to Gracie's words as if it were their command. Gracie the peacemaker, who would have ever known. While everyone was still disscussing what to wear, I decided to head off the the showers. 

I stripped naked and brought the thoughts at the back of my mind, back to the front. He's a great teacher you know! God, that bitch! What did she mean? Was he fooling around with other students? Was I just another whore? No, I'm over reacting! Even though it was small, it still meant something, I know it did.

I stared at my naked body in the mirror, oposite the shower. I admired my figure. Although my body looked good all natural, practically every other girl who attended school with me had the advantages of makeup, push-up bras, tight-clothing, and then there was boring old me. No anything. I guess I had a tube of mascara, but that was pretty much the highlight of my matierialistic life. I did a little twirl in the mirror, admiring the rest of my body. Then I turned back around to look at my breasts. 15 years old and a 32D/30DD, not bad, but then again let's not forget I am forced to wear a training bra around. I can expect Tania, Gracie, Milly, Iris, Caitlyn, Erin (whom I had met in PSHE) and every other girl I interacted with had a tripple padded wonder bra! Well maybe that was an exageration. I'd reckon not everyone was life that. What was my problem? Worrying about my tits, and for what? I go to an all girls school. No, I could answer that easily: Mr. Todd. I wanted him so bad. So bad. So bad.

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